

Best Answer

PRO-LAN, omg, it works so good and if you are breastfeeding, which I'm sure you are because of this question, it won't hurt the baby, so you don't have to wash it off before feeding. This stage will pass, though, in the meantime find some pro-lan.

AnswerGeranium Leaves!It is the best working, most natural , cheapest option!All u have to do is have the fury side against your nipple and the smooth against breast pad keep it there until next feed then change to a new one no need to wash nipples between feeds!U can store cut leaves in a plastic bag in the fridge!! AnswerI have recently suffered from a dry skin problem around my eyes and lips. I have used Aloe Vera gel with great success. It is non-toxic, healing, antiseptic, moisturising and soothing in very sensitive areas. You can buy 100% gel for �4.99 over the counter. As a previous sufferer, I wish I had known about it at the time. I believe it would be perfect for the nipple area. AnswerYou don't say whether or not you are breast feeding.

If you are breast feeding perhaps the baby is not latching on properly. Check with your doctor to see if there are any local breast feeding clinics you can attend.

If you are not breast feeding contact your doctor immediately. There can be many causes for bleeding nipples, and Breast cancer is one of them.

AnswerIf I were breastfeeding and experiencing these symptoms, I'd check with a lactation nurse...any hospital should have one. One thing that is available is Udder Cream. It was originally used for milk cows because in the winter their udders chap, crack and bleed. There are human use formulas, and they work WONDERFULLY. AnswerI agree with the first of these answers, Pro-Lan is marketed specifically for mother's that are breast feeding. However, I also agree with the answer regarding "latching on". Ask your pediatrician whom they would recommend as a resource for your breast feeding questions. And yes, hospitals staff nurses who have the know how so use that too! Answerif you are breastfeeding, at the end of every feed express a few drops of milk and rub them into your nipples, this worked wonders for me and was reccomended to me by my grandmother (they almost always know best!) if this doesnt work try kamilosan (they sell it here in England but i don't know where you are and whether they sell it where u are! it looks revolting but it certainly does work, id try the breastmilk thing first tho (its free!)


Try "hydrous lanolin" cream. Can get it in a drug store, or in a music store (it's used on Trombone slides).


  • Hand express or pump a few minutes before the feeding. This will elicit letdown and elongate the nipple for the baby so that he does not nurse so aggressively.
  • Nurse on the least sore side first as this is the side that your baby will nurse more aggressively on.
  • You may want to take a mild pain reliever such as Tylenol or Advil about 30 minutes prior to nursing or around the clock until your discomfort lessens or disappears. Both of these drugs are compatible with breastfeeding.
  • Open both sides of your bra during the feeding.
  • Consider applying warm, wet tea bags to your nipples for a short time after nursing. Many moms report that this can be very soothing.
  • Warm, moist compresses (wet washcloth works well) often bring relief to nipples both before and after nursing.
  • After feeding, pat dry your nipples and express some breast milk to rub into them (this should be avoided if you have thrush as it thrives in milk). Breast milk has Vitamin E in it which is very healing to the skin. Note: Avoid applying Vitamin E oil from a capsule to your nipples as this can be toxic to your baby!
  • You also may want to apply a 100% USP modified lanolin preparation, such as Purelan 100, to your nipples after nursing. Apply enough to thoroughly coat the entire nipple/areola area. This does not need to be washed off prior to nursing as it is safe for baby to ingest. Recent studies seem to indicate that using 100% lanolin may hasten the healing process by maintaining the internal moisture of the skin. Avoid other creams and ointments sold for the treatment of sore nipples as these may actually impede healing by preventing air circulation and drying out the skin. Some of these other preparations may also be toxic to your baby and will need to washed off prior to nursing. Over-washing of the nipple area results in a loss of the natural lubricants that protect it and provide it with antibacterial properties.
  • Some moms find a hydrogel pad soothing and healing to nipple trauma.
  • Change your nursing pads immediately once they become even slightly damp. Moisture up against your nipples can prolong healing. If your pad sticks to your nipple moisten it with water before attempting to remove it. Also avoid nursing pads with plastic linings. They prevent the flow of air which is essential to healthy nipples. Stick with 100% cotton pads or pads made of plain paper.
  • If your nipples become so sore that you cannot tolerate the pressure of your bra or clothing on them and it is painful for you to hold your baby, you might want to consider wearing breast shells inside your bra to protect your nipples as they heal.
  • If you find it impossible to nurse your baby due to nipple soreness, you may opt to feed him with an alternative feeding device such as an eye dropper, medicine dropper, feeding syringe, soft, flexible medicine cup, spoon, or nursing supplementer , attached to your finger, while your nipples heal. Bottles are best avoided due to the risk of nipple confusion, especially if your baby is less than 4 weeks old. If a faulty latch-on is the cause of your nipple soreness, introducing a bottle may result in an even poorer latch-on as your baby will then try to latch on to your breast tissue as he does the bottle nipple. Contact a La Leche League leader or lactation consultant for assistance in using one of these devices. If only one nipple is very sore, you may decide to feed your baby from the well side only while pumping the other side. The baby can get all that he needs from one side as long as you allow him to nurse frequently. You will want to pump the other side as often as your baby nurses for 10-15 minutes each time. If taking the baby off both breasts and instead pumping for a few days is necessary, it's preferable to use a hospital-grade double, electric pump which will maintain your supply more efficiently till your baby is back to nursing.
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The best solution is male saliva.

This assumes that the saliva is warm and sourced from the salivary gland directly as the enzymes would become denatured if this is not the case.

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Q: Is there anything that you can apply to sore dry bleeding nipples?
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