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Q: Is nipple licking make it larger?
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Can Adderall make your nipple larger?

Only when you rub it 15 minutes after ingesting the medication.

Do men enlarge there nipples?

Piercing the nipple will enlarge it !!!! when you take yhe piercing out after a few months, the nipple will stay larger!!!

Why is my cat licking my nipple?

Cats may lick nipples due to grooming behavior or seeking attention. It is important to monitor the behavior and consult a veterinarian if concerned.

Would suction make a womens inverted nipple stay out?

Yes, after extended use, nipple suction does make the enlargement and elongation permanent: the nipple will not stay erect, but will stay out and function like a normal nipple--enlarging when stimulated.

How do you make a fake nipple piercing?

To make a simple fake nipple piercing, you need to obtain a nipple ring and bend the ring with pliers so that the ring looks like a U shape which you can then apply to your nipple and adjust to your own needs.

How do you make a nipple hard?

Stimulate it.

The areola of your right breast is darker and the nipple is larger iam not pregant?

Any changes in the appearance of your nipples should be checked by your doctor. If this is normal for you, meaning when you went thru puberty 1 nipple ended up darker or larger, is completely normal. Most of us have 1 breast that is larger than the other.

How does nipple stimulation make you dilate?

Nipple stimulation also stimulates the production of oxytocin, which can lead to dilation.

How do you measure a nipple bar?

To measure a nipple bar, you would typically use a caliper or ruler to determine the length of the barbell shaft between the two ends that secure the piercing in place. Make sure to measure in millimeters for accuracy and note the gauge size of the barbell as well.

How do you make a paper buuny?

by licking your dxxx axx hole

Swollen nipple and leg on dog keeps licking what do you do?

There is not enough information here to help you. What breed dog? Age? Sex? when did this start happening? Is the nipple on the same side as the leg? Is the swelling under the teet itself or in the general area? Is it sore or warm to the touch?

Can I go blind from my cat licking my face?

If it's licking your face then it probably wont make you lose your eyesight. Obviously if its licking your face and licks your eyeballs real hard then we're talking the complete opposite.