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Q: Is it possible to have breast reduction after radiation?
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can u have a breast reduction on the breast that you have already had radiation done to due to cancer?

Breast reduction has serious possible complications so you should consult your physician carefully to make sure you are in good enough health. However if you're in remission and in otherwise good health you should be able to have a breast reduction without great risk.

How do you reduce chest size?

It is possible to obtain breast reduction surgery.

Where can one find information on male breast reduction?

The process of breast reduction in males is the same as breast reduction in women, however the male breast reduction is called "Gynecomastia". A breast reduction is the reduction via surgery to reduce the size of large breasts, or to implant breast silicon to make a breast larger. The "American Society of Plastic Surgeons" offer information of male breast reduction.

What is Breast reduction also called?

Breast reduction may also be called reduction mammaplasty

Where can I purchase breast reduction online?

You cannot physically purchase breast reduction online. You can go online and do a search of places that you can go to to get a breast reduction; as well as learn if breast reduction is right for you. You can also talk to your doctor about breast reduction options available nearby. Good luck!

How do you make your breast thin?

get breast reduction

How do you write a thesis on breast reduction?

you can start with a quote or statistic. or something attention grabbing, about breast reduction.

Did chaka khan have a breast enlargement?

No, she had a breast reduction! :-(

Did kim eternity get a breast reduction?

Yes she got a breast reduction sometime around 2005 but she still does work in the industry

What are Alexia pills?

Alexia is natural breast reduction is a safe alternative to breast reduction surgery. Alexia breast reduction pills have helped many women obtain smaller breasts naturally. Alexia is a 100% safe and natural herbal supplement that has been reported to show significant breast reduction, up to 50%.

Does blue cross blue shield ppo pay for breast reduction?

does blue cross blue shield ppo for breast reduction

Where can someone find breast reduction photos?

Someone can find breast reduction photos at a local Web MD US clinic. One can also find breast reduction photos on the official website of the clinic Web MD.