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No. Everyone is different. This can be a symptom of pregnancy but not everyone feels sore. Also, it may come and go, so if you do have soreness, it may not last. You should consult your doctor, though, if it continues or is very uncomfortable.

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13y ago
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15y ago

Yes, it is normal. You are getting ready to have your baby and where does that baby get his/her food from? You might already have colostrum (the see-thru yellow-ish liquid before your milk comes in) storing up in there, and in some women, depending on how you are made, and if you have used nipple stimulation to try and start labor your milk may already be coming in, and this can cause discomfort. My advice is if you are planning on breastfeeding (it IS the healthiest way) as soon as that baby comes out get him/her started right away, and feed that baby very often. This will help the soreness from getting worse in a couple days when your milk comes in fully.

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20y ago

If you've delivered recently (within the past week), your milk has just come in. You can relieve the pressure/pain by expressing milk (either by hand or with a breast pump).

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9y ago

Some women have extremely sore breasts, and some have no discomfort at all.

with my first I could not bear to touch them, next time round they were fine.

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16y ago

Everyone is diff. not all women have sore breast.

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14y ago

Totally expected, they are producing milk. It happens in every woman, dont worry

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12y ago

Yes, that can be one sign, but sore breast also happen with PMS. It may or may not be a symptom.

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Q: Is it normal to have very sore hard breasts after pregnancy?
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Is extremely sore breasts during early pregnancy normal?

yes, very normal

Are sore breasts before period is due is it too early for a pregnancy test?

Sore breasts before period is normal. If you miss your period, take a test

If you breasts are sore could you be pregnant?

Yes you could, you get all the symptoms of a normal pregnancy.

At what stage in pregnancy do you get sore breasts?

You will get sore boobs at your early stages of pregnancy.

Can you start out with sore breasts and then it just goes away around the 9th week?

For some women that is normal. And some never get sore breasts. It depends on the pregnancy and the women. If you are worried, talk to your doctor, but that is normal. The tenderness may come back also.

What about constantly hard and mildly sore nipples rather than sore or enlarged breasts combined with a late period could that be a sign of pregnancy?

Yes this could be pregnancy related. Perform a HPT.

Do your breasts get hard during the first month or two when pregnant?

I have been pregnant on two occassions. On both occassions the first signs of pregnancy were sore breasts.

Is it possible to have sore breasts not affiliated with pregnancy?


Your period was the normal 5 days but it was lighter then normal and your breast itchy and red could you be pregnant?

When in doubt, take a pregnancy test. Usually the first sign of pregnancy is a missed period and sore breasts.

Can you have breast soreness but not be pregnant?

No. Just because your breasts are sore doesn't mean that you are pregnant. When you get your period, your breasts tend to get sore too. Sore breasts aren't the only sign of pregnancy.

If you had your period regardless of it being late or on time negative pregnancy test but having sore breasts what could that mean?

If your pregnancy test was negative, you got your period and your breasts are sore it could just mean that they're growing. Breasts can also be sore or tender during your period.

Is sore breasts and bloating signs of early pregnancy?

Sore breasts and bloating can be a sign of pregnancy, but sore breasts can also be a sign your periods due. With the bloating it wouldn't usually occur until about 10wks in pregnancy as you will find yourself constipated which naturally enough would cause you to bloat. When you arrive on your period date you can home test :)