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Q: Is it normal for the end of your nipples to be cracked and yellow?
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What are the white dots on the end of my nipples these are not on the auora section but on the end of my nipples?

I get those every month right before my period. They are normal and are caused by a shift in hormones. It is actually "areola."

Is it normal to have openings at the end of your nipples?

Yes, it is normal. There are very small openings on the nipples to allow breast milk to flow during lactation and breastfeeding. Males can also have small openings, but it is not as common to be able to actually see any of them, because of the difference in size of the nipples, being so small.

When did Cracked - magazine - end?

Cracked - magazine - ended in 2007.

Is hair gowth on the nipples normal for a boy aged 13 at the end of puberty?

Yes, hair growth is normal for a boy going through puberty. However, at 13, I very much doubt you're at the end of puberty. Most males end puberty at around 16 or 17.

Still a virgin but suffering from sore nipples?

if you are female sore breasts/nipples have little to do with your virginity and a lot to do with menstruation and hormones. tenderness because of hormones in the middle and end of your cycle is normal. other possibilities could be dryness or chaffing from clothing

What are the release dates for Agents of Cracked - 2009 The End 1-14?

Agents of Cracked - 2009 The End 1-14 was released on: USA: 26 November 2009

What are the release dates for Agents of Cracked - 2009 The End of the Beginning 1-1?

Agents of Cracked - 2009 The End of the Beginning 1-1 was released on: USA: 9 November 2009

Describes a motion that is faster then the speed of sound?

The end of a whip, when cracked.

I am thirteen and my nipples don't look like my moms what are they supposed to look like They are not hard and round but soft and pointy?

Your body is only starting to develop and you will suffer changes as you grow, most changes will end in your 20s, when your body is fully developed. It is perfectly normal that your body is not like your mom's. You should be worried if it did ;) You know what your mothers nipples look like how?!

What are some symptoms of dog pregnancy?

Some of the symptoms of a dog pregnancy are : Morning sickness (beggining) Enlargement of the nipples (beggining throuhg to end) Tummy getting harder and getting larger (middle) Change in normal behavoir (begginging)

Can diesel fuel be cracked AND IF SO WHAT ARE THE END PRODUCTS?

Diesel fuel can be cracked through a process called hydrotreating, which involves breaking down the larger hydrocarbon molecules in diesel into smaller ones. The end products of this process can include lighter hydrocarbons like gasoline, as well as some by-products such as naphtha and gas.

What is the yellow car in the end of redline the movie?

koenigsegg ccrx is the yellow car at the end of redline.