The breasts are the upper part of the chest. The mammary glands give milk. Chickens have breasts and they don't give milk. Many sea mammals have nipples to give milk, but, they don't have breasts.
Mammary Glands
Milk is produced by mammary glands which are found in breasts of mammals.
The breasts are mammary glands which will provide milk for any babies that the woman has.
Mostly fatty tissue. Mammary glands are modified sweat glands.
Your breasts are your mammary glands.
Sono-mammogram is a Sonogram of the Mammary Glands (the Breasts).
In females, the major glands include the mammary glands (breasts), ovaries, and the reproductive system glands such as the Bartholin's glands, Skene's glands, and the cervix glands. These glands play important roles in reproductive functions, hormone production, and sexual health.
Mammary glands (udders, breasts, teats, etc)
Milk producing mammary glands , and fat.
Of course. All mammals have mammary glands. In women, they are termed, 'Breasts', and in men, although unusual to do so, they are called, "Breasts". Yes, both men and women have mammary glands, but only the women's are developed enough to perform their task: feeding babies.
Take him to a vet immediately, it could be something really serious i.e compacted anal glands