Pornstar Chelsea Charms has "String" implants, which agitate the breast tissue, causing them to expand without limits. Even though she keeps growing, Charms has gone through a draining process to have some of the breast tissue removed, reducing the overall size.
The cast of Introducing Chelsea Charms - 2000 includes: Chelsea Charms
Chelsea Charms is 38 years old. She was born on March 7, 1976.
Chelsea Charms was born on March 7, 1976, in Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA.
If you want to find Itsy & Bitsy, they live in England! (If you don't know about the Itsy & Bitsy thing, she just named her boobs those names. Chelsea Charms lives in England.)
Chelsea Charms' breast implants are reported to weigh around 26 pounds each.
You can find Chelsea Charms photo gallery in a few places. You can find her photo gallery online or you can find them in magazines.
The cast of Changing Chelsea - 2001 includes: Chelsea Charms as herself
Chelsea Charms is a name used by an internet celebrity. Her real name is not known. She is a stripper and also a model for very large busted bras and lingerie.
72 inches
Chelsea's bust measurement is 164XXX and increase at about an inch a month.