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, I'm Lauren, I'm having the same issues.. but all pregnancy tests are neg, I don't know, I'm going to my Dr if i don't start in a wk.. i have two boys, i felt this way when i was pregnant with them, and I found out that i was pregnant, I'm ttc and hopefully i can get some luck. i had mirena in since Oct 08 and it fell out April 2010,, my husband & I have been trying

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Q: If you have light cramping feeling tierd sore nipples with white middles sore breasts and feeling weepy and have to pee a lot but get numerous negative pregnancy tests are you pregnant?
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Is cramping normal before missed period during pregnancy?

If your pregnant, cramping is usual. But if you're not and you missed your period that usually means your pregnant now with a bundle of joy.

What does it mean if the pregnancy test is negative?

If the pregnancy test was negative, it means that you are not pregnant.

Can you be pregnant and the only symptom you have is pregnancy cramping?

Just wait until you miss a period

Is it possible to be pregnant and have cramping or is the cramping from your polycistic ovary syndrome?

It is very normal to have some cramping during pregnancy. If it is severe or continues for a long period of time, see your doctor.

If you get a negative does that mean you are not pregnant?

negative= not pregnant positive= pregnant be sure to read the instructions on the pregnancy test package

What does it mean when you have a - and a on a pregnancy test?

A positive answer on a home pregnancy test means that you are pregnant and should see a Dr. A negative answer means that you are not pregnant. If you get a negative response and feel that it is in error you should wait two days and test again or see your Dr.

Is cramping in upper part of stomach a sign of pregnancy?

yes it is one sign that means you are pregnant, take a pregnancy test to be sure.

If your on birth control and a guy has cumed inside you and your cramping can you be pregnant?

Cramping isn't a sign of pregnancy, but it may be a sign of infection. If you're having pain, see your health care provider for an exam. If you think you may be pregnant, take a home pregnancy test.

Could discharge and cramping occur if I am pregnant?

Discharge and cramping can occur during pregnancy, particularly during the first and third trimesters. However, they can also be signs that your period is about to arrive. Pregnancy cramping shouldn't be too painful or be accompanied by heavy bleeding

What is a negative pregnancy test?

It means that you are not pregnant.

Late period bloating constant urination cramping and a negative pregnancy test?

Until you get your period, you couldd still be pregnant, but it could just be too early to test. Wait and take another test.

Today I am 3 weeks late and I have started to spot and have light cramping I have taken 2 home pregnancy tests both of which have been negative Is it still possible that I am pregnant?

That is exactly what happened to me when I found out I was pregnant with my son! Everyone's body is different but that did happen to me!