On a spine board or immobilization board. (With help) Put the board in the water, get it under the swimmer, strap them down, get them onto the pool deck. Make sure to use a neck immobilizer also. Make sure the airway remains clear in case they lose consciousness from the injury.
No you need a docter
To remove chlorine. to remove salt.
Shoulder injury is very common due to repetitive motion and overuse during long training sessions. Swimmers are also susceptible to ear infections (swimmer's ear) and eye problems because of chlorine.
After my head injury I have cold sensations internally
there are meny diferint tipes of head injures. the most comon head injury is a cuncushon.
There are many symptoms and criteria for a head injury. You can get some serious damage to the brain. Brain injuries are the most common injury to the head.
either as a closed head injury, such as the head hitting a car's windshield, or as a penetrating head injury, as when a bullet pierces the skull.
Yes, any injury to the head can cause ongoing headaches.
Depends on the type of eye injury and if there is a possible spinal injury. If there is a foreign object stuck or impaled in the eye, put a paper cup over it and secure it to the patients head. Dont try to remove it. If the patient could have a spinal injury, move them as little as possible.
Closed head injury refers to TBI in which the head is hit by or strikes an object without breaking the skull.
In a penetrating head injury, an object such as a bullet fractures the skull and enters brain tissue.
I've Suffered a Head Injury was created on 1992-11-19.