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There is no definitive way. However, breasts contain a lot of fatty tissue, so losing weight (or staying skinny) can help keep them small.

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Q: How do you keep your breast from getting bigger?
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usually when you get headaches and your breast are bigger and you have breast tenderness and mostly when you have vaginal discharge. white stuff from your vagina.

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you can tell by the breast getting larger and its stomach gets bigger

Does the pill keep your breast bigger?

An estrogen pill will make your breasts bigger as long as you keep taking the pill. If you stop taking the estrogen pill then your breasts will stop growing.

Do you have to keep taking breast enhancement pills for them to stay bigger?

There are no pills that can do that so save your money.

Why are some breasts small?

When you exercize your arms, the muscles get bigger. the more you exercize your left arm the bigger that muscle and all associated muscles get. in the same way your left breast will become bigger than your right breast if you use your left arm more.

Which side of the women breast is bigger?

left side of the woman breast is bigger

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The womans body works in a mysterious way. She might be gettin bigger breast from her eating habbits and or its in her genes.

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Land is being reclaimed from the sea.

Do your breast get bigger before getting your period?

Your breasts can seem to get bigger before menstruation. Hormonal changes can effect the breasts, causing breast ducts to swell, so this cause cause temporarily larger breasts during menstruation or just before menstruation.

Does steroids make women's breast bigger?

They can do. If you are on here to get bigger breast You could also try these methods ,each one scientifically proven 1: Putting on some weight 2: Massaging the breast into lactation. 3: Sit down imagine them growing and feel them becoming bigger . (This effect has been proven) 4: Hormone therapies 5: Surgery 6: Getting pregnant.

I weigh 130 if i lose 15 pounds will my breasts get bigger?

It is unlikely that your breasts will get bigger if you lose 15 pounds. Your breasts are more likely to get smaller if you lose weight. That is because the breast is made of mostly fat and lactating glands. If you want your breasts to get bigger you can try gaining weight or getting a breast augmentation.

Your breast hurt?

Im not sure how to answer this, do you mean. Why do my boobs hurt? if so, It's because they are growing. getting bigger.