Try rubbing alcohol, peroxide, and vaseline on the and massage for a couple of minutes and it will go away! If not take a shower because hot water helps, or you could put ice on it cold temperatures numb it. I have it all the time
Well, just so you know, NOTHING is wrong with your nipples. if they are itchy, then it means your breasts and nipples are developing. some people have itchy nipples and some others dont. its nothing to be worried about. im a doctor. i KNOW what im talkin about.
Sometimes just sweats and irritation from the clothing.
For some people they get itchy nipples as early as 2 weeks after sex. But for most people that doesn't start until around 6 weeks of pregnancy. It's different for each woman.
Yes! it is a good sign! and its also normal in the pregnancy.
... don't worry about getting rid of them; they are normal and several women have bumps on their nipples. However, don't pick at them, or you could get and infection...
Cut them off. LOL
Visine eye drops. Or bynadryl if it's allergies.
beat ur meat son
keep lotion,or other body cream on them.coco butter lotion doe's wonder's for me.
they're not You probably have crabs Try Lotramin Ultra it gets rid of the itch
Use aloe vera lotion.
They might have lice, be itchy due to dirt or be trying to get rid of their winter coat.