Usually undetectable by the human nose, but sometimes like salt, but if the breasts are large & it's hot, then they produce a cheddar-like odour. It's not unlike how bacteria cause arm pits & other covered areas lacking in air circulation to stink.
Smell like eggs
some girls do some girls don't.
Not all girls have big breasts. Well girls bodys difer then boys do. its just like extra skin....
NO they dont..
I don't know, but I like do smell another place of the girls.
Depends on the girl. Most girls say no.
Girls may have small breasts but they are still girl breasts.
No. There is much more to it than a body part.
It turns me on
because its part of their own body, and it depends on how big cause some dont like the size of their own breasts
the smell is more like milky which can arouse cocks.
that's not true