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Q: How can a runt be help to find its mothers nipple?
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Why inst the hamster mom feeding the runt?

A lot of animal mothers do that. I am not exactly sure why, but if you want the runt to live you should take it to a vet and see how you can take care of it

If its a runt is unable to get to the nipple can you reach in to help it find it?

This is dependant on the animal in question. In most cases yes you can assist the animal to get on the teat. Be cautious even if you know the mother ie a female dog or a sow as they can turn on you in protection of there new born and/or because they had a bad birthing.If it is not safe don't do it but try and express some milk to feed in a small clean bottle .Please check that the Runt has no deformation in the mouth area as , sadly, this will stop it from suckling. It is important for the runt to get the first mothers milk which contains colostrum (all the good stuff to protect the animal) within the first 6 hours . If this is not available you should be able to pick up from the local vet a substitute ie Quickstart. that will suffice.Though it is not always the case the runt will mostly never be a great animal and may have other internal faults that have made it so.

How do you say runt in Samoan?


What is a synonym for runt?

A synonym for runt is littlest.

When a baby rabbit runt cant get the mothers milk and is frezing cold what do you feed it?

A runt is very vulnerable at this age and it's stomach is not able to eat solid foods at this time so it must be totally reliant on its mothers milk for nutrients and growth. If the mothers milk is unavailable, you can use special milk powder. This is available from your local vet. You add some warm water to the milk powder until it turns into a liquid. You can either give it to the rabbit using a baby bottle or little drips off your finger.

Will a gerbil mom raise a runt and is the runt likely to survive?

a gerbil mom will EAT a runt or one of it's own so a runt is not likely to survive long

Will one female mouse kept with a runt kill it?

Yes. Probably so because it's a runt and they don't like anything that's different then them. But sometimes the fathers want to kill them but the mothers say no and they start to fight. they'll fight until one of them throws in the towel or if your stupid that means quit.

What is a runt duck called?

A runt duck is simply referred to as a runt, as "runt" is a term used to describe the smallest or weakest animal in a litter or group.

What flavor is the red runt?

The red runt is MANGO flavored.

When did Runt Marr die?

Runt Marr died in 1981.

When was Tjörn Runt created?

Tjörn Runt was created in 1964.

When was Runt Marr born?

Runt Marr was born in 1891.