This is hard to answer. With surgery now a days, they can make breasts extremely large! Plus, when a woman loses weight, her breasts shrink a little. When she gains weight, they grow a little. I've seen bra sizes to "G."
Breasts do not HAVE to hurt to ovulate. However, it is often the case that they do. It depends on the person. Some times a womans breasts hurt, while another womans dont.
Boobs is the slang word for a womans breasts. their function is when their babies are born the womans breasts feed the new born with breast milk which has all the baby needs to live a healthy childhood including food obviously.
The area between a woman's breasts is commonly referred to as the cleavage.
Because it's what shapes a womans body big or small it's the males prefrinse to choice why he has a relationship with atherthen her looks.
Are you sure about this because a 13 year olds breasts would look like a womans breasts
Women do too. Eyes go to breasts.
Yes when a woman is raped and her breasts are shown.
Lamia...body of a serpent...breasts and head of a woman
Breasts change in size and shape throughout a womans life. Either from weight gain, or pregnancy or hormones. A womans breast usually stop growing by time she turns 21.
Men like boobs because they are a distinct part of female anatomy.
We can grow big breasts by doing sex with other boys because they suck our breasts.