man i have the same thing but I'm only 12 and its in my left dad says its puberty but i don't think it is
If you have lump under your right nipple you should watch it and go a doctor about it
Stimulate it.
yes they will be hard
Your eather horny or cold!
Former US President Lyndon B. Johnson said, "Doing the right thing is not hard; knowing the right thing to do is hard." This quote highlights the complexity of ethical decision-making and the importance of discerning the correct course of action in challenging situations.
You get cold, or stimulate them mentally or physically.
Guys LOVE Hard Nipples. It Is Easier For Them To Suck On And Wrap Their Tongues Around!
Think about what's the right thing to do! And what feels right to you!
About as harmful as getting a hard nipple.
Mine seem too!