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Q: Does yeast keep weight on body?
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How long after intercourse can a male catch a yeast infection if the female has a yeast infection?

its very depend on how you keep your body hygiene and how well your imune system

What does yeast do in the body?

go to

Is yeast in dough like yeast in your body?

no its not

Why do you gain weight when you stop eat?

You gain weight when you stop eating because your body begins to think its starving. Your motabolism slows to keep weight on. And anything you eat your body trys to keep the fat out of it.

What are the uses of exercise?

To keep your body healthy and at correct weight

Is penicillin and yeast allergy linked?

Yes. It is very common to get yeast infections while taking antibiotics. While these specific medicines are great at doing their job killing bacteria in other parts of your body, they can cause problems in other parts. The "good bacteria" in the vagina- bacteria that helps keep the natural yeast levels in your body regulated can be destroyed while taking antibiotics, which allows the yeast to then multiply and cause yeast infections.

Can you freeze yeast?

Yes, you can safely freeze yeast. It will keep it fresh longer.

What would be a large lump inside Virgina sort of numb feeling not sore?

It can be yeast. Sometimes when the body has a yeast infection and there is too much yeast, the body stores it.

What does canesten do to the body?

it cleans out the yeast of a yeast infection from der vaginger snap.

Will thyroid problems cause yeast infections?

I have thyroid ang why do I keep getting yeast infection?

How to get dIABETIC OUT the body?

You cannot get Diabetes out of your body. You can keep it under control by reducing weight, exercise, and by taking medications regularly.

What happens to your body when yeast gets in your body?

When yeast enters the body, it can cause an infection known as a yeast infection. Symptoms may include itching, burning, and discharge in the affected area. Treatment usually involves antifungal medication.