dont u have nipples? and no they dont turn dark they freeze up and go a little hard u wrongen
Yes, when its cold or when you have goosebumps it gets darker. I'm fair skinned with light brown nipples-perfectly normal.
darker hue then they normaly are
darker nipples
The nipples look darker and bigger as you may now be pregnant.
Nipples turn hard when you get cold or when girls really get turned on.
Nipples will darken during pregnancy.
Nipples become darker when pregnant
When I was pregnant with my son my nipples got darker.
TWEAK UM! When a woman is aroused her nipples harden. OR you could always turn down the heat cold nipples=hard nipples
yes they do get darker. example when you breast feed the child will suck your niple and will cut off cirulation and there it will turn darker. You could also tight up a rubber band in the nipple and leave it their for a few minutes. Thnx
unless the winter, being cold, or ice baths are a turn on to them... yes.