Mastoptosis is the medical term for sagging breast.
Mastoptosis is the sagging of the breast.
For sagging breasts is recommended breast lift surgery or so called mastopexy. This is cosmetic correction procedure developed for sagging breasts. Usually it uses tissue from breast and fat to correct sagging skin.
no it is not youre breast sagging means you have not been wearing braws
No the weight, pregnancy and age makes them sag.
breast augmentation
It will help firm them it is a ctually helpful to prevent sagging
To support the breast tissue. The larger the breast the harder it is to run, play sports, or to do other things. It keeps the breast from sagging and gives the figure a better shape.
At the end of puberty, but for most women, the breast tend to be areas where fat they usually get bigger with body weight. But don't worry about it. Women worry about breast size...Men almost never care. Men worry about their penis size....women almost never care.
It all depends on the man. Some men love big breasted woman, while other's like smaller breast women.
With all surgery, there comes a risk. Some of the more common complications after breast augmentation surgery are uneven breast size, breast feeding difficulties, pain, sagging and deflation of the implant.