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No; it will not work.

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Q: Can you enlarge your breast by massaging it with semen as lubricant?
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Does swallowing semen enlarge female breast?

No. The only thing semen can give you is a illness if he has one. Surgery is the only thing that helps.

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What is the best all round lubricant for bicycles?

Blood and semen. Seamen's blood, preferably.

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What is pre-sperm?

First, you mean, "Pre semen". (Semen is the whitish fluid that the sperm swim around in). Pre-semen is a slippery lubricant, and also changes the chemistry of the woman's birth canal so that it will not kill the sperm.

Are blowjobs healthy?

Yes no harm in digesting semen. Studies link a possible reduction in breast cancer in swallowing semen on a regular basis. As long as the man doesn't have a STD.

Can we swallow semen fluid?

Yes, you can swallow semen. People have done that for years. Just make sure the other person is not infected with anything. Still, even orally, a condom is safer. Just use a plain condom for that which has no lubricant nor spermicide.

Method of transmission of HIV?

HIV is transmitted through blood, semen, breast milk, & other body fluids.

How many ways can people get HIV?

Blood to blood contact, unprotected sex, mother to child, breast milk, and semen.

Is it normal to precome during passionate kissing but still being flaccid?

I'd say yes. It's not really a precum but the lubricant that helps the semen slide without friction during ejaculation. Some people call it precum but it contains no semen at all... only lube. =)

Describe how an individual contracts the HIV virus?

HIV is contacted by contact with infected blood, semen, vaginal fluid or breast milk.

Can you get HIV from sharing bath towle?

No. HIV is transmitted through contact with infected blood, semen, vaginal fluid or breast milk.