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Q: Can you breatsfeed without ever being pregnant?
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Is there more ways to get pregnant than having sex'?

You can get pregnant by Atificial Insemination without ever having sex.

How do you tone your arms and back while pregnant?

No one should ever start any new excerise regiment while being pregnant, without a doctor's consent/advisement. Please call him/her and discuss with them at your next pre-natal visit.

Can you have an ectopic pregnancy without your tubes ever being cut or tied?

Yes it is possible to have an etopic pregnancy without having your tubes cut or tied it is just that the egg gets fertilized in the tube without being in your uterus. It is very painful and is a simple procedure to have removed but very hard to determine when you dont know if you are pregnant or not

What damages can taking narcotics while being pregnant have?

Yes! there are reasons you need a prescription for there pills, and they shouldn't ever be such an addiction that you need to take them while you are pregnant. No damages were ever proven to be done to your child, however, the state takes away babys that have adicts as moms...this includes babys who are born on narcotic pain releavers, without a prescription.

Is it possible to make the MLB without being on a traveling team ever?

It is possible

Can you have a broken heart without ever being in a relationship?

Yes, you can. Depending on what happened.

Had a dream of being pregnant?

that is the silliest question that i have ever seen on wikipedia y do u need 2 no this??? does any1 reely need 2 no this??? and 2 answer ur question... NO I HAVE NOT HAD ANY DREAMS OF BEING PREGNANT!!!! bi xxx

Was lily Allen ever pregnant?

no, but she is pregnant now.

Which president took over office without ever being elected?

Gerald Ford took over office without being elected. Hope you liked? Ciao~

Did Kanya West ever win the American Idol?

no he does not sing without being mixed

What state can a pregnant minor marry without parental consent?

What ever they want it is there choice to choose their victom whaa ha ha ha

Was judge karen mills francis ever pregnant?

Was she pregnant