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Q: Can wakeboarding within 3 weeks of conception harm a fetus?
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How many weeks after conception does the embryo in the mothers womb become a fetus?

8 weeks

What is a baby called befor it is born?

A fetus is an unborn human more than eight weeks after conception.

When does the fetus develop a heart beat in a late conception?

Wth is a "late" conception? Do you mean at the end of the fertile period? That would be irrelevant. Conception, not fertility is the start of pregnancy, so heart beat begins roughly two weeks after conception. Late has nothing to do with it.

How many weeks pregnant is the gender of the fetus formed?

gender is determined at the moment of conception, however it isn't until around the 16th to the 17th week of pregnancy that the sex of the fetus can be determined by ultasound.

At what age is a fetus aware of its own existence?

Never. Through out the entire pregnancy the fetus is in a sleep like state and can not feel pain until week 28-30.

What is the pill called that you can take up to 7 weeks after conception to abort a fetus?

Mifepristone followed by Misoprostol. You get them directly from the doctor and take the first one at his office.

How long upon conception does it take for a grizzlyy to be born?

Once the fetus is attached to the uterine wall, birth usually takes place about 8 weeks later.

Does the heart rate of a fetus change?

The baby's heart begins to beat at about five weeks after your last menstrual period, or three weeks after conception. It can be visualized with an ultrasound, but not heard with a Doppler until later in the pregnancy.

If you are not sure about your conception date can the doctor be wrong about how far along you are - even by a few weeks?

it is possible for the doctor to be off, but they can usually tell how far along you are by the size of the fetus.

Can rough sex within two weeks of conception harm an embryo?

No, sex is safe during pregnancy.

What trimester is a gender of a fetus determined?

When the sperm meets the egg. The sprem contains the gender in the form of an x or y chromosome

What is the sequence of prenatal development?

Prenatal development occurs in three main stages: the germinal stage (first two weeks after conception), the embryonic stage (weeks 3-8), and the fetal stage (weeks 9-birth). During these stages, the fertilized egg undergoes cell division, differentiation, and organ formation, leading to the development of a fetus.