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'I had a consultation today with an anesthesiologist for my double lumpectomy and he gave me the choice between local anesthesia and general anesthesia. Local is sedation and general you are put completely to sleep. '

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Q: Can i have breast surgery without general anesthesia?
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Related questions

During a breast augmentation surgery what anesthesia method is used?

Usually general anesthesia. In rare cases local anesthesia with sedation, which is less expensive but more uncomfortable.

What are some of the potential complications of reconstructive breast surgery?

Some risks are common for all surgeries, such as infection, unaesthetic scar tissue, and bad reactions to general anesthesia. Complications specific to breast surgery include numbness, tingling, and weakness in the arm area.

How did Thomas Edison do his mother's surgery?

Thomas Edison performed surgery on his mother using a primitive tool to cut a large lump from her breast without anesthesia. The surgery was successful, and his mother lived for several decades after.

Do breast implants use anesthesia?

It may be done under local or general anesthesia, depending on patient and physician preference

Where can one get breast enhancement without needing a surgery?

You can get breast enhancement at a variety of locations without needing surgery such as psychotherapy. In Germany, they have developed methods to grow breasts without surgery.

Are there any risks involved by doing the breast reduction?

There are many risks with breast reduction surgery. This is a major operation with all of the risks associated with it, e.g. problems with anesthesia, doctor error, etc.

What are some of the risks associated with transumbilical breast augmentation surgery?

There are many risks associated with transumbilical breast augmentation surgery. One risk when having any surgeries is not having a good reaction to the anesthesia. Also, after the surgery, someone could experience constant pain, having the breast surgery could affect future breast feeding and thinning of the breast tissue.

What should you take to make your breast bigger without surgery?


How do you make your breast smaller if your already skinny?

You can't without surgery.

At what age can a person have plastic surgery to get breast implants without parental consent in the United States?

In general, parental consent is required in the United States for teenagers under 18 who want breast implants. Most teenagers who want a plastic surgery get them for practical reasons such as misshapen noses.

Are there any tips or special methods to get smaller breasts without surgery and preferably without weight loss?

Are there ways to have smaller breast without surgery or exercise?

What risks are involved with modified radical mastectomy?

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia, which itself carries risk. Women may have short-term pain and tenderness. The most frequent risk of breast cancer surgery (with extensive lymph node removal) is edema