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to me personnally this is how i knew i was pregnant before even taking a boobs were so sore it hurt to nipples were never sore but ive heard many of my friends complain about this.however they could just be tender cause your late.get a hpt and put your mind at ease.i hope you get the result your looking for.xx

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16y ago

The only way to tell if you are pregnant is first have you had a period in the last two months. Are you on Birth Control, if you are on any form of birth control you are not pregnant and if you have just come off of birth control you are not pregnant. If you haven't had a period and aren't on birth control start with a home pregnancy test if it comes back negative your not pregnant. If it comes back positive then go to your OBGYN and get a blood test and if the blood test comes back negative you aren't. Nausea and breast tenderness are not tell tale signs of a pregnancy those symptoms can happen for a number of reasons.

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16y ago

It could be your hormones, pregnancy symptoms and monthly cycle symptoms are very similar. You should take a test and/ or see your doc to be sure. Hope this helps!

(I am pregnant though and have sensitive nipples.)

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Q: Are you pregnant of you have sore nipples and tender breasts?
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Yes you can be pregnant, the P.T will confirm it for you.

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Do breasts hurt when they develop milk?

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