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It could be a sigh of pregnancy BUT in combination with some other symptoms. You can discover more information below - in Related Links(Recommended WEB)

It is always useful to know some symptoms of the pregnancy which could appear in most cases (besides missed period):

Changes in you appetite. Food craving sometimes can be a sign of pregnancy. Don't rely on them as a sure symptom (it may be all in your head, or even a sign that your body is low on a particular nutrient), but if cravings are accompanied by some of the other symptoms on this list, start counting the days from your last period.

Altered sense of taste. You may notice that your sense of taste changes. Some women say they have a metallic taste in their mouth, others that they cannot stand the taste of certain products. Often pregnant women cannot eat food which they usually like.

Frequent urination. Once the embryo implants and begins producing the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), you may find yourself going to the bathroom more often.

Morning sickness (vomiting in the morning). As early as a couple of days following conception, you may begin feeling morning nauseated and queasy. Sometimes pregnancy-related nausea can be a problem morning, noon, or night.

Tender breasts and darkening of your areolas. Very often at the beginning of pregnancy women feel enlarged breast, some tender and even sometimes painful breasts. If in addition the skin around your nipples gets darker, you may have successfully conceived. If you're pregnant, your breasts will probably become increasingly tender to the touch, similar to the way they feel before your period, only more so. Once your body grows accustomed to the hormone surge, the pain will subside.

Implantation bleeding and/or cramping. About eight days after ovulation you may experience implantation spotting, a slight staining of a pink or brown color, as well as some cramping. You might also see some spotting around the time you expect your period; this is caused by the egg burrowing into the endometrial lining.

Fatigue. Feeling tired? No, make that exhausted. High levels of the hormone progesterone can make you feel as if you've run a marathon when all you've done is put in a day at the office. Fatigue is a hallmark of early pregnancy, though probably not a surefire symptom on its own.

Increased vaginal discharges(sometimes). During pregnancy the hormonal balance is changed and some women can feel increased discharge.

Other unusual feelings like sleepiness, restlessness, irritability, etc.

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9y ago

It is a very strong sign of pregnancy, but it doesn't mean you are. Wait a week before you take another test and then take a second one. If it is negative, you should talk to your docotor. I've never heard of anything like this before, but if you are worried, you should have it checked. If it is positive, you need to call your doctor because you are pregnant.

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Q: Are sore nipples a dark brown ring and bumps around your nipples a sign you might be pregnant?
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When you are pregnant those small bumps leak fluid to help lubricate your nipple to help it not dry out.

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hey do you know what it mean when your a women in you have bumps around your first they be smooth but then bumps come out of no were !! can you help me ??

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its for pleasure.

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Yes you could be pregnant. There pregnancy symptoms.

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All mammals have nipples, even male mammals-thoughs bumps are nipples.

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This is almost a good chance that you are pregnant. Call your doctor to get a blood test done to see if you are or not and then get on the phone right away and talk to a OBGYN and see him/her asap.

When you're pregnant what is the stuff that comes out of the bumps on your aureoles?

from everything I have read it is an oil that the Montgomery glands secrete to lubricate the nipples/areolas and get them ready for breastfeeding.

What are the bumps on the nipples?

Those bumps are called the Montgomery glands and they act to moisturize the nipples, especially during breastfeeding. See related links for more details.

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nipples are supposed to be dry, it's in the bible. accept it ashole

What are the bumps around a girl?

They are perfectly normal and called Montgomery Tubercles. Their job is the secrete oil to lubricate and protect the nipples.

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She's obvioulsy drank too much Dr. Pepper xP

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They are perfectly normal and called Montgomery Tubercles. Their job is the secrete oil to lubricate and protect the nipples.