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Q: Are darker aerolas with the tips of your nipples being white and leaking breasts signs of pregnancy?
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When other than pregnancy do a woman's nipples and aerolas change color size and or shape?

when your hormones get crazy

Is it normal for your aerolas to get lighter and then darker during the day during early pregnancy?

Changes in hormone levels during your pregnancy will change the appearance of your aureolas and nipples throughout pregnancy and afterwords as well. They can change in shape and color at anytime.

Is it a symptom of pregnancy if your breasts go tight and brown around the nipples?

It could be.

Pregnancy symptoms when you have copper coil?

Sore breasts, lumps on nipples, tummy cramps

Can During your first month into your pregnancy your breasts hurt and your nipples itch?

Every woman's development is different, but yes, it is possible. Breasts grow through a great many changes in preparation for nursing a child. It is worth noting that pregnancy is not the only cause of aching breasts and itching nipples.

Is a symptom of being pregnant is tender nipples?

Yes.Tender breasts and nipples is one of the first signs of pregnancy many women notice after they conceive.

Is it a symptom of pregnancy for your breasts to be sore and turn a mottled strange color?

I know that your breasts will become sore and your nipples and the skin around them will change color.

What are some of the warning signs of pregnancy?

There are many warning signs of pregnancy. Some warning signs include tingling nipples, spotting, cramping, morning sickness, swollen breasts, a missed period, and/or darkened nipples.

Are painful breasts with white bumps on the nipples a sign of pregnancy?

Yes it can be, but you can also get these sypmtoms when your period is due or you ovulate!

Is it normal to have secretion from your breasts as early as 2 or 3 months pregnancy?

Yes I would say that it is normal because with my second pregnancy I found out that I was 10 weeks pregnant because of my nipples leaking white fluid which seemed like milk...I wasnt aware that I could have that symptom but its possible..I took a pregnancy test as soon as I noticed the leakage and I was pregnant.

If you have fluid coming out of your breasts are you pregnant?

If you are leaking a yellowish color liquid out of your breast there is a very large chance that you are pregnant... take a pregnancy test and good luck I wouldn't count on it completely although it is possible. Just remember, leakage from nipples (if not pregnant) means infection.

Burning breasts and bloating feeling?

Possibly. More so the burning NIPPLES than the bloated fealing. Take a pregnancy test.