A sentence with the word national in it could include:
"I made it to the national spelling bee!"
or, here is a twist on it:
"I am part of the United States nation."
Hope this helps, please give trust point? Thanks :)
Nationalism was a major contribution to WWI
Once nations in Europe began defining their borders, nationalism developed among the residents.
Nationalism and competition for dominance led European countries into World War I.
The US developed a greater sense of nationalism following the War of 1812.
Nationality refers to the country of which you are a citizen.
(Immigration officer at the Canadian Border)
"What is your nationality, sir?"
"I am a US citizen."
Haggis is the national dish of Scotland.
You could use "We sang the national anthem in the Olympic games"
A sentence with the word national in it could include:"I made it to the national spelling bee!"or, here is a twist on it:"I am part of the United States nation."Hope this helps, please give trust point? Thanks :)
Red, white, and blue are the colors of America's national flag.
An example:After saving the president, Bailey became a national hero.
The national debt of this country is ridiculous.
GNP means Gross National Product. The GNP of the country has improved this year.
The ceremony will commence with a short prayer. The game will commence with the singing of The National Anthem.
The onset of war produced a national crisis.
Can you use the word concluding in a sentence? Done.
You can use the word Truss in a sentence like this.
In the United States there is a national problem with morbid obesity.The outcome looks very morbid.