So it can pierce into the grass after u throw it. And that will determine your score
A sphere, an ellipsoid, a torus (donut), an irregular blob with no pointy bit.
because it is pointy
They are all pointy on the top.
1. Don't hit your head on the pointy end 2. Make sure your hand doesn't go through the pointy end 3. Don't put corn on the cob on the javelin I am making dkikds fjdkudsfskp.
The pointy bit at the top
its the pointy bit
peak or ridge or ridge cap
The javelin must land front first into the grass but it doesn't have to stick in as long as it makes a Mark the thrower must release the javelin at shoulder height only
The javelin must land front first into the grass but it doesn't have to stick in as long as it makes a Mark the thrower must release the javelin at shoulder height only
It's backwards, and that pointy bit be the other way up.
Actually, they are your pointy teeth right by your two front teeth.
It is the curved/pointy part at the front of the boatfront
The bow. Or perhaps the bowsprit.
It is a wedge because the front end is pointy for hydrodynamics so it cuts through water.
It is a wedge because the front end is pointy for hydrodynamics so it cuts through water.