The Quidditch referee at Hogwarts is Madam Rolanda Hooch. During Harry Potter's first year, Severus Snape referred the Gryffindor v Slytherin match in an attempt to protect Harry as Quirrel had tried to kill him in the previous match.
The referee for the 1994 Quidditch World Cup was Hassan Mostafa.
The Quidditch referee at Hogwarts is Madam Rolanda Hooch. During Harry Potter's first year, Severus Snape referred the Gryffindor v Slytherin match in an attempt to protect Harry as Quirrel had tried to kill him in the previous match.
The referee for the 1994 Quidditch World Cup was Hassan Mostafa.
Quidditch is pronounced 'kwidich' with short vowels.
Harry Potter plays the game of wizard chess in the first book/movie. He plays the sport of Quiditch. His position is the seeker.
The referee became entranced by the veelas and began acting bizarrely. When he finally shook himself out of this, he wanted to send the veelas off the pitch.
She was the flying instructor for first years and the quidditch referee.
its about the history of quidditch
Quidditch is pronounced 'kwidich' with short vowels.
Harry Potter plays the game of wizard chess in the first book/movie. He plays the sport of Quiditch. His position is the seeker.
Quidditch Through the Ages
The books don't say their Quidditch numbers. Watch the Prisoner of Azkaban; there are plenty of Quidditch scenes in that movie.
The referee became entranced by the veelas and began acting bizarrely. When he finally shook himself out of this, he wanted to send the veelas off the pitch.
To play Quidditch you have to ride on brooms.
No. Harry plays Quidditch during a cutscene, but you can't control him.
Harry plays Quidditch for Gryffindor, which is one of the Hogwarts houses.