Edge is single.He divorced with Vickie Guerrero after she had that hog pen match with Santina Marrella,Santino's supposedly twin sister.
no she is not married to him because she is not married
As of now, Edge and Lita are not affiliated to one another in WWE
Yes they are.
No!I think he broke up with her after she retired.
No, she is not married; however, she has previously dated fellow WWE superstars Edge (Adam Copeland) and Matt Hardy, but sources say she is in a relationship with a member of her rock band Shane Morton.
no edge is married with children
The "Rated R Superstar" Edge is not currently married
He isn't getting married
no she is not married to him because she is not married
Edge in real life has been married twice and has been divorced twice. He was never married to Vickie that is just storyline
They Never Got Married.
NO Edge and Vickie are not really married!!!
As of now, Edge and Lita are not affiliated to one another in WWE
No. Edge turned face by calling the wedding off
Because he isn't married.
No. Edge does not have Children. He was Only Married And Divorced Twice.