Wilma Rudolph's middle name is of course Glodean Wilma Glodean Rudolph
Wilma Rudolph was born on June 23, 1940.
Wilma Rudolph was born on June 23, 1940.
Wilma Rudolph was 4 when born as a baby.
She received a full scholarship to Tennessee state.
Wilma Rudolph made the "Wilma Rudolph Foundation.
Wilma Rudolph was 4 years of age when she go Polio
Wilma Rudolph impacted on society and culture by showing that even if you have a disease or you dont think you can do something you should never give up. Keep on trying and move on from the past
Wilma Rudolph's birth name is Wilma Glodean Rudolph.
Wilma Rudolph's middle name is of course Glodean Wilma Glodean Rudolph
it was polio Wilma Rudolph had polio
Wilma Rudolph is a girl
Wilma Rudolph's real name is WILMA GLODEAN RUDOLPH
Wilma Rudolph's real name is WILMA GLODEAN RUDOLPH
Wilma Glodean Rudolph's parents were Ed and Blanche Rudolph.
Wilma Rudolph's middle name is of course Glodean Wilma Glodean Rudolph