Michael Phelps was born on June 30, 1985.
As cool as that would be, no they are not.
Their parents' names are Susan and Martyn Phelps.
James Phelps - musician - was born in 1932.
Michael E. Phelps was born in 1939.
Michael Phelps was born on June 30, 1985.
Michael Phelps was born on June 30, 1985.
Michael Phelps was born on June 30, 1985.
Michael Phelps was born in Towson, Maryland, in the United States
Micael phelps was born on June 30th
Michael Phelps definitly MIchael Phelps
Michael Phelps is 6'4
Michael Phelps is not disabled...
You don't. Michael Phelps talks to you.
Michael Phelps is a swimmer.
No, Michael Phelps is an American swimmer.