Dave Spitz was born on 1958-02-22.
Los Angeles, CA
Mark Spitz Muhammed Ali Bob Gibson Dr. J
Mark McLaughlin was born on 1975-12-02.
Mark Lippert was born in 1973.
No. Mark Spitz is an American. He was born February 10, 1950 in Modesto, CA to a Jewish family.
No, Nancy Spitz cannot be a brother of Mark Spitz because she is female.
Michael Phelps (6 gold, 2 bronze)
Mark Spitz swam for the US.
Mark Spitz is about 6' 1".
Arnold Spitz
Mark Spitz is Jewish.
Mark Spitz participated in the sport of swimming.
Mark Spitz was born on February 10, 1950 in Modesto, California. The name of his parents are Arnold and Lenore. He is the oldest of three children in his family.
It is not known what former Olympic swimmer Mark Spitz eats for lunch daily. Mark Spitz is a 9 time Olympic champion.
Mark Spitz is 67 years old (birthdate: February 10, 1950).
The U.S.A