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He was also slated to become chairman when Stead retired in May 2001

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Q: When did Kent B. Foster join Ingram Micro?
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Where do they offer HVAC training programs?

There is a school called Pen Foster Career school that contains all of the training one needs to be a part of the HVAC field. You can look on their website to make sure it is exactly what you are looking for and if you would like to join their community.

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Why did you enter Vietnam?

I Signed up to go mostly out of hatred of the N.V.A. & the vietcong for killing a friend of mine named jerry ingram of tallahassee,fl.He was the 1st kid from our high school to be killed in nam.The day i was old enough to join with a guardians signature i was at the recruiters office before they opened that morning to join up.I wanted revenge/payback for them killing my friend and at 17 years old,like most other young kids back then we wanted adventure,action and in my case,retribution.