Hank Aaron was born on the 5th of February 1934. As of the 17th of April 2017, he is still alive.
He is still alive.
april 7 1859 and 1925
December 13, 1871 - March 2, 1945 (age 73) Cause of death - heart attack
Birth Date:=March 4, 1877==Death Date:==July 27, 1963==Place of Birth:==Paris, Kentucky, United States==Place of Death:==Cleveland, Ohio, United States==Nationality:==American==Ethnicity:==African American==Gender:==Male==Occupations:==inventor =
Well know one thing Santa's birth day is NOT Christmas OR Easter those are Jesus's birth date and death date. No one knows for sure when Santa's actual birth day is.
Saint Adele has an unknown Birth and Death
The dates of Like's birth and death are not known.
St. Sophia's birth date is April 30th and her death date is July 13th.
Birth date: January 21, 1824 Death: May 10, 1863
no my date of birth is 22 August 1992
The date, place and circumstances of both his birth and death are unknown.
Date of birth was 1-23-1737 Date of Death was 10-08-1793
I don't know his death date, but his birth date is January1st one year before Christ.
Sophocles death date was the 26th of March 406 Bc and his birth date was 18th of June 496 BC
date of birth
Date of birth 19 th july 1857 and date of death 24 november 1912