

Best Answer

Monson Peterson of Westminster, CA. He bench pressed 505 lb. at the age of 17 as a Junior of Westminster High School in the Summer of 1984.

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Q: What is the most weight benched by someone under 18?
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What is the most weight benched by someone under 18 years old?

the highest i know of is 350

What is the most a Freshman has ever benched?


Who benched pressed in the most in the world?

he can bench 550

What is the most a male ever benched pressed?

Gene Rychlak had the heaviest bench press at 1010 pounds.

Who set the world record for most weight bench-pressed in the 2000 Summer Olympics?

Rob Zolaturiuk benched an impressive 880 pounds on March 25, 2000. Hossein Rezazadeh Bench Press: 220.0 Kg NOT Rollo Zamiski

Whats the metric unit of mass for a person?

Under most circumstances you should use the Kg.

Are most weight machines easy to set up?

Weight machines can be quite challenging to set up. At the very least, have someone helping you.

A Wilson golf ball weight?

45.93 grams is the maximum weight under the rules of golf. Nearly all golf balls are made exactly to this weight to get the most distance.

Who would probably have the most trouble exercising comfortably?

Usually people who are overweight have the most trouble exercising. They have more weight than someone smaller and therefore have more weight moving around.

How do you make sentence using 'take someone under your wing'?

You are one of our most experienced employees and with so many new people starting, we want you to take someone under your wing.

If someone was wanting to lose weight and wanted to burn fat fast where would someone find information on how to?

It is really important when embarking on a weight loss programme to talk to your doctor first, especially if you have a lot of weight to lose. They will advise you on the best and, most importantly, safest way to lose weight and burn fat.

Is this weight machine easy to use?

Most weight machines that are made for beginners are fairly easy to use , but I would talk with someone who knows more about the particluar weight machine you have to find out more information about it .