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Q: What is chuck liddell's favorite fight and why?
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What is chuck liddells record?

Chuck Liddells is a well known UFC fighter. The has been in the business for years.

What is Chuck Liddells ufc record?

according to Dana White, most likely UFC 95

Who is chuck liddells wife?

He is not married but dating Willma Ford.

What are chuck liddells sponsors?

Cobb 28, Tap Out, and Sinister Clothing

What was chuck liddells theme at UFC 52?

American Head Charge-loyalty

What does Chuck Liddells tattoo on his head mean?

Chuck's tattoo is Chinese characters used in Japanese form of writing - lettering on his scalp means Koei-Kan. And, in English, Koei-Kan translates to peace and prosperity.

When were Chuck Liddells' kids born?

He has two children: Trista, age 9, and Cade, age 8

What is Chuck Norris's favorite color?

Chuck Norris's favorite color is lavender. (Before you say anything about that, remember that Chuck Norris is listening.)

Chuck Norris' favorite song?

Chuck Norris by supafloss

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Who would win in a fight Chuck Norris or everyone?

chuck Norris