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There is no difference, because it comes from the eastern part of the world its name has been pronounced for hundreds of years "wing chun" aka. ving tsun, wing tsun, wing tsung, wing chung etc. but nobody knows how to type it in English or so. So there shouldn't be no difference between those.


WingTsun is an adapted branch of Wing Chun and was founded by Leung Ting, a closed-door student of the former Great Grandmaster Yip Man. For technical differences see:

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Actually, both systems are functional and can equally serve similar situations. What matters is how you train, by "any good" you must mean for defending yourself? No system can defend you, only you can defend you and only after intense training with proper understanding and daily maturation.

I have practiced Wing Chun for 38 years, also I have two black belts in Karate (USA Goju Ryu, Okinawan Shorinji Goju Ryu). I find some similarities in their methods and I view that all systems share certain Universal Combat Motions and Principles.

When it all comes down to it, it really is the quality of the practitioner that determines if they are smart enough and skilled enough to survive an altercation.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

the main difference would be wing chun is all about keeping perfect form in small detail to deliver the maximum amount of energy to your opponent without wasting any of it while the principles of jeet kune do form is much looser in favor of being more flexible and ready to adapt to any situation it is said you have to be "like water" but its important to remember that jeet kune do is based on a lot of wing chun principles which is evident in both styles heavy dependence on the straight punch. wing chun also favors a straight kick to the sheen's and knees while jeet kune do uses a a lot of hook kicks.

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What is Bruce Lees type of karate?

Bruce Lee descipled under Ip Man and Wong Shun Leung who taught him Wing Chun fundamentals, by which he created the Jeet Kune Do philosophy.

What actors and actresses appeared in Masters - 2013?

The cast of Masters - 2013 includes: Kellie Aarons as Crowd Member Marlon Aarons as Crowd Member Kellie Agno as Crowd Member Makakuva Ali El Bay as Funeral Guest Carlito Arias as Man One Ashley Augustin as Wing Chun Student Mizan Augustinac as Wing Chun Student Walter Cangemi as Max Jafet Cedeno as Crowd Member Eddy Cheung as Master Eddy Phillip Cheung as Wing Chun Student Sheperd Chou as Wing Chun Student Richard Cordero as Stafford Rodger Cresu as Crowd Member Pamela Deritis as Helen Maliyah Desir as Crowd Member Tommie Diddlo as Funeral Guest Stafford Durham as Wing Chun Student Gaylen Ferguson as Crowd Member Jacob Harrison as Crowd Member Ian Isaksson as Wing Chun Student Tyrun Jackson as Master Cho Student Bryon Jean as Master Cho Student Ottavio Lobefaro as Manson Juan Londono as Frank Gary Malec as Roland Timothy Mars as Wing Chun Student Marnie McDonald as Crowd Member Brenna McKinnon as Crowd Member Tristan Methodius as Master Chong Student Nasrudiyn Micheal Miller as Master Cho Student Francis Mimi Paul as Wing Chun Student Leah Monet Johnson as Funeral Guest Trejur Moseley as Crowd Member Cinnamon Murray as Crowd Member Frederick Nah IV as Funeral Coordinator Dakota Nguyen as Crowd Member Coy Nguyen as Crowd Member Dango Nu Yen as Master Chong Ofu Obekpa as Ben Ceaser Ostos as Wing Chun Student Rhett Paul as Crowd Member Gabriella Paul as Crowd Member Rafel Paz as Crowd Member Thida Penn as Wing Yee Ike Perlis as Dummer Patrick Radford as Wing Chun Student Michael Reig as Funeral Guest Zeljko Repic as Wing Chun Student John Robert Mayes as Master Chang Student Pascual Rodreigez as Funeral Guest Amanda Shelby as Crowd Member Michael Stigall as Wing Chun Student Artemis Strimenous as Wing Chun Student Gordon Stuber as Wing Chun Student Michelle Suegart as Crowd Member Akemi Tateishi as Member Crowd Titziano Testino as Wing Chun Student Maneka Turner as Crowd Member Kris Valeriano as Master Chong Student Charles Valeriano as Wing Chun Student Brent Von Hall as Crowd Member Garrett Webster as Crowd Member Laquan Wilson as Wing Chun Student Mich Wrobel as Wing Chun Student Zoe Yuchan Zhang as Wing Chun

What actors and actresses appeared in Wing Chun - 2012?

The cast of Wing Chun - 2012 includes: Ruby Chu as Girlfriend Ming Fai Lui as himself Albert Tsang as himself Alan Wai as Man Natalie Woo as herself

Did donnie yen teach Bruce Lee some wing chun?

No. Donnie Yen couldn't teach Bruce Lee wing chun Because he was born in 1963 and Bruce died in 1973. Bruce Lee's master was Yip Man.

Who would win Ip Man or Bruce Lee?

Bruce would win the fight because Bruce studied more martial arts than Ip Man. Ip Man was a grandmaster in Wing Chun, so in a fight with Wing Chun rules, Ip Man would have a greater chance to win. However, in a fight without rules, Bruce Lee may be more likely to survive. By the way, Bruce Lee and Ip Man are both great fighters!

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Wing Chun in Mandarin is Yong Chun(咏春).

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Wing Chun - TV series - ended in 2007.

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Wing Chun - TV series - was created in 2006.

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Wing Chun, Northern Shaolin, Dragon, and Karate. This is not a comprehensive list. These are just the ones I can remember off hand.

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The duration of Wing Chun - TV series - is 2700.0 seconds.

What is the web address of the Wing Chun Museum in Dayton Ohio?

The web address of the Wing Chun Museum is:

How does Jeet kune do differ from other martial arts?

Bruce Lee created the style. He incorporated what he felt were the best parts of the martial arts he had studied, which included wing chun and karate.

What is Bruce Lees type of karate?

Bruce Lee descipled under Ip Man and Wong Shun Leung who taught him Wing Chun fundamentals, by which he created the Jeet Kune Do philosophy.

What is the phone number of the Wing Chun Museum in Dayton Ohio?

The phone number of the Wing Chun Museum is: 937-236-6485.

What martial arts was founded by Bruce Lee?

Jeet Kune Do was the style created by Bruce Lee, combining what he learned from many other styles, but predominately Wing Chun Kung Fu and karate.