My name is rhue I Cole .
I want to challenge you for a 5 rounds in the Wrestling match with me all day long. My cell phone number is 267-416-2856.
I'll take you down and The Undertaker and Stone Cold Steve Austin too for a wrestling match with me all day long.
Cena doesn't have an e-mail account because the wwe closed them all This is run by WWE so you will need to put the name of the wrestler or diva into the subject line so we know who to give it to. DO NOT PUT IN ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION SUCH HOME ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER OR CELL NUMBER IF SO THEN THE EMAIL WILL BE DELETED AND NOT GIVEN TO THE WRESTLERS.
Not allowed to put email addresses on Wiki
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As a Wrestler - only with the WWE
If you want the fan mail address send me a message and I will get it to you.
who was the fist wwe wrestler
WWE Wrestler Edge is 6.6
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go to lime wire and saerch for "wwe theme song Hornswoggle" and there you go.
At 16 Jeff Hardy was the youngest wrestler ever in the wwe
No. There is no WWE Wrestler by the name of John Hunter.
In wwe.
A big time wrestler
On wwe . Com or wwe kids
Yes Bruno Sammartino