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Emma Taylor Isherwood is listed on IMDB as represented by Butler Ruston Bell Talent Associates Inc. Linda Butler, Agent 10 St. Mary Street , Suite 310 Toronto, ON, M4Y1P9 Canada 416 964-6660 . email address any email for Emma sent to her agent should reach her.

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11y ago

Emma Roberts
Sweeney Management
8033 Sunset Blvd
Suite 1048
Los Angeles, CA 90046

To request an autograph if you are in the US, send a self-addressed envelope (at least 8.5" x 4" in size) with sufficient postage with your request letter and a photo. You may include a piece of cardboard to keep the photo from bending during shipping and also write "Do Not Bend" on the envelope. There is typically over a 3 month wait for a response.

If you don't live in the United States, add several International Reply Coupons. International Reply Coupons (IRC) are used by the receiver to purchase US stamps. You can only get them at your post office. Place the IRCs inside the envelope, not on it.

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11y ago

There is no known email address for Emma Watson at this time.

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