Agnes Walsh was born in 1950.
Mary Walsh - politician - was born in 1929.
Marty Walsh was born on 1883-10-16.
David Walsh - writer - was born in 1949.
Michelle Walsh was born on 1982-08-02.
Louis Walsh was born in Kiltimagh, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland.
Ruby Walsh birthday is May 14, 1979 making her 32 on her birthday.
Ruby Walsh is from south of Rep of Ireland way down south can't mind the town but know he is from Rep of Ireland by the way i am a big fan big big fan RUBY WALSH xx
Ruby Rider was born on November 14, 1986, in Orange County, California, USA.
I only know of one daughter, Isabelle, born October 2009
Riding weight: 10st
Joe Walsh was born on November 20, 1947.
The phone number of the Walsh County Historical Museum is: 701-248-3237.
Adrian Walsh was born in 1971.
Campbell Walsh was born in 1977.
Liam Walsh was born in 1963.
Danny Walsh was born in 1893.