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Percy Romeo Miller family list of these names are the following Brothers:Vercy Miller,Hercy Miller,and Mercy Miller /Sisters:Intylyana Miller,Tytyana Miller,and Itali Miller. His father is Percy Robert Miller (aka) Master P and his mother is Sonya C. Miller.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Percy Robert Miller (aka) Master P has one sister her name is Germany Miller.

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13y ago

No Siree bobagadosh

He might. Poseidon hints at it in the end of book 5. maybe.

Actually Tyson is Percy's half brother which counts as a sibling

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14y ago

Romeo (real name Percy Miller Jr.) has brothers named Vercy, Hercy and Mercy. Veno, and their four sisters are named Intylyana, Tytyana, Itali Miller and Cymphonique.

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