Fakemon are fake Pokemon (not made by Nintendo) that fans of Pokemon have made; think of it as custom Pokemon they use in their media, like the hack of the video game Pokemon FireRed, Pokemon Sinnea.
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No, there is no Mewthree in any Pokemon game. It a fakemon (Fake Pokemon)!
ill give more.... alinas_glow_shield_(a color).png (body color) cyberbunny-dancing_bunnies.gif (dancing bunnies) blaze_sora__kingdomnecklace_shield.png (kingdom hearts necklace) all-gralat-shield-jd.gif (color changing gralat) cyberbunny-gralat1.gif (rainbow gralat) Ihaveanoob-shield.png (human shield) zer0_final_blood_wings_woot.png (gold wings) p01s0n3dj3st3r-wings-grey.png (grey wings) electricwings-_code_-.png (blue and white wings) 765wings_shield.png (white wings) fk17redblackultrafan.png (red and black wings) keko-shield003.png (weird red and black wings) hunter-wings-shield.png (purple dragon wings) riotdeluxe-wings-shield.gif (jet pack) caffeine_shield052.png (blue chibi wings) romancekills_redblack-tribal-Wings.png (cool wings) symm-simplewings-Test(a # 3-10).png (simple colorful wings) tori_awesome-wings.png (future wings) gamerx-Ghost-Wings.png (shadow ghost wings) whitedevil-sparklewings.gif (rain cloud wings) stellabella_darkwings_(blue, red or green).png(evil fairy wings) god-shield.png (dragon head) deathtrap-blade-shield.png (keyblade) born2kill-shield.png (born2kill necklace) 1337-smiley-shield.png (awesome smiley) astro-wowbomb-shield.gif (talking bomb) tri-cool-shield.gif.gif (Zelda shield) anti-noob-shield.gif (noob hater) bomb-shield.mng (flashy bomb shield) claw-shieldbig.gif (cant really describe) comet-shield.gif (comet shield) ryu_pipe1337.gif (smoking pipe) lolli-glow00(a # 1-9).png (glowing body) cats-magicllama_vitalic.png (llama head) roily-icesquishy-shield.gif (blue bouncing pet) cyberbunny-omg_a_cyber_pet.gif (rainbow pet) crazys_puppeteer.gif (puppet) squird_shield(a # 1-9).png (tails) timesh1ft-phrase-antoine.gif (rapist necklace) Andrews-nachos-shield.png (Doritos bag) arkan_shield005.gif (pistol) katesbow(a number 1-3).png (bow and arrow) journeyskuujoe-spectrumsythe.gif (rainbow sythe) exegersi-regretanimated.gif (blinking red eye) lionhaert-wolfpet.gif (pet wolf) tj-t-ask-away-shield-say-what.gif (? Sign) lionhaert-bursthead.gif (blue explosion) carnage_sign04.png (bites sign) journeyskuujoe-purpledragon_fire.gif (purple pet dragon) rival-bubblylove.gif (flying hearts) kuujoe-eatabanana.gif (eating a banana) katesbunny-shield.png (carrying a bunny) katescat-shield.png (carrying a cat) katesdog-shield.png (carrying a puppy) kamalung-chaotic-shutup.gif (saying shut up) wafflez-tearingheart-scarf.gif) (broken heart scarf) awesome-Pointer-shield.png ( ur awesome) gif_exegersi_Eye.gif (rainbow eye) lionhaert-whatssofunnylol.gif (laughing face) Rainbow_llama_ftw.gif (rainbow llama) jordans_bot_shield.gif (flying robot) mc-dynomite.gif (dynamite) 00thanks00vsomae00-shield.png (ball and chain) feorth1.png (purple sword and cape) projectsoul5.png (gray sword and cape) soenke_anti-Smoking-shield.png (no smoking sign) abyssal-superpower-(red,blue or green).png(superpowers) fakemon-shield-bomu.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-driake.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-evarie.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-Artox.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-wetari.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-toxiflie.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-magolt.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-squei.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-evarit.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-specko.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-leffet.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-leafysaur.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-buina.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-larro.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-aqukey.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-hamiet.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-pandey.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-flietet.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-leaxi.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-ezat.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-mushi.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-tindura.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-flarit.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-rocca.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-liref.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-mowet.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-lemi.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-nuri.png (fakemon) fakemon-shield-febri.png (fakemon) flux-katana2.png (katana on your back) thrown-out-shield-dannx3.png (inside a garbage can) hulk_scarfblackhearted-shield.png (gray scarf and heart) Kuujoe-thefire-shield.gif (flaming hand) Ndx-(red, blue, or white)-shield.png (cool glowing sword) steve-bluedragon.png (blue pet dragon) crazys_bubble-gum.gif (bubble gum) JamesJaames_lovesyou2.png (2 guys hugging you) Toxicturns_newb-x-ray.png (x-ray machine) j-cart-shield.png (shopping cart) ice-snow-shield.gif (snowing around you) chickenslazer-shield.png (shoop da woop) demonspawn-genie-red.gif (genie in a lamp) ghostabilitybypf-shield.png (become a ghost) straw_loving.gif (in love) garrettyduckfloatie.png (duck float) carnage_pet-bfly-pink.gif (pet pink butterfly) walkdoggy-bigshield.gif (pet dog) astro-(white or black).png (glowing hand) spotlight-shield.png (spotlight is on you) roily-f1r3w0rk5-y4yftw-shield.gif (fireworks) kitty-burgerstand-shield.png (burger stand) -cookie-lover-shield.png (I <3 cookies) j-baby-shield.png (baby) norbz-england-shield.png (white uniform) mc-hover-shield.png (rocket feet) 765-magic-square-shield.png (standing in magic puddle) Kuujoe-eatanapple.gif (eating an apple) Kuujoe-tennis1-shield.gif (playing tennis) for more info plz comment lot more codes still
No, unfortunately. It's a "Fakemon".
using the program paint
You can use MS Paint with a Pokemon sprite sheet to mix Pokemon sprites. You can also mix and edit them to the point they look like "Fakemon" YouTube offers a lot of tutorials on how to make Fakemon, but it can be difficult.
No, there is no Mewthree in any Pokemon game. It a fakemon (Fake Pokemon)!
Lunupine is an event fakemon; he only exists through breeding of other Lunupine or the event in itself.
There is no such Pokemon as darkrown. If you mean Darkrai, then the answer is yes he is. I consider him to be a legendary pokemon. Please, get the names right. Darkrown is a Fakemon in the online game, Pokemon Vortex.
Mew three is a cheaply made fakemon. You won't find it unless its in a hack of a GB game.
If just do it for fun, you can create it in paint (the windows program) or just on paper. I prefer to do sprites in paint, but real drawings on paper. And if you are brave enough, you can send some sprites to Nintendo...Greetz, Eagle
A Pokemon hacked game is simply a hack on an original Nintendo Pokemon game. it can have new Pokemon (fakemon), new maps, new people, ect. A few good hacks to try are: Pokemon Quartz, Pokemon Shiny Gold, and Pokemon Topaz. Also, you will need to download visual boy advance to play it. (Hope it helped).
It's not an actual Pokemon. Garudine is a fakemon for "Pokemon Ruby Destiny", a Pokemon Rescue Rangers hack Check it out here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePi2TCX2a_g Download it for Visual Boy Advanced here - http://www.4shared.com/zip/PtS_o089/Pokemon_Ruby_Destiny_-_Rescue_.htm Download V.B.A. here - http://coolrom.com/emulators/gba/14/Visual_Boy_Advance.php
there are no real cheat codes on graal but you can have shields witch require that you say the code like you are talking to someone. remember that you need to say setshield before you say any shield code, Ex: setshield ihaveanoob-shield.png setshield fakemon-shield-spolfi.png setshield fk17redblackultrafan.png edit:dude,you can use swords to like: setsword baddy-ripper-sword.png setsword iggyz-hyperr1ng-sword.png be grateful for that second one iggy is and admin actually these are not cheat codes they are shields and swords if you need codes change your question or find Leader dark dudeface thx