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The answer is no. Segal is almost 60 years old. His body is doing what it does. He is not as lean as he was years and years ago.

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Q: Was Steven Seagal given steroids that would have caused him to look bloated?
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Is it normal to feel bloated before your period?

Yes. It is caused by the hormones

Why is it not safe to consume canned food if the can is bloated?

A bloated can means that after sealing, the pressure inside the can increased. This is only caused by a contaminant in the can, either a bacteria or a mold.

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no, bloating is caused by gas builtup in your system, full is after you have eaten (too much sometimes) then you can also have a bloated feeling

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A bloated goldfish may be caused by overfeeding, constipation, or a bacterial infection. It is important to monitor their diet and water quality to prevent further health issues.

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Why are you bloated?

Bloating can be caused by many things, from menstruation to indigestion or serious disease. If you are concerned at all, see a doctor ASAP.

What is the outburst of anger and hostility caused by steroids?

They may become aggressive and have violent roid rages.

Has the wrestler Kane ever taken steroids?

No, as far as it is known, Glenn was never on steroids. He does not seem to suffer from visible body signs after taking steroids. Also his loss of weight in 2002 was caused by his bicep injury, after which he could never work out as much as before.

If it is considered a highly credible theory that autism is caused by the extreme male brain then will it next be considered credible that autism is caused by anabolic steroids?

I know a police officer that uses steroids and his wife gave birth to a child that is autistic. I'm not saying that it was the cause, just know of this situation. I would believe it will be very difficult to find people who use steroids to answer this question honestly, especially if their child is autistic.

Can i feel bloated if pregnant?

Hi, Your question is: Can you be pregnant if you feel bloated right behind your belly button? This isn't a pregnancy symptom. Bloatedness can be caused by many things including pregnancy, constipation and diahrrea. If you suspect pregnancy, perform a test in 2-3 weeks.

Why is Barry Bonds on steriods?

When he took steroids, it was not illegal. However, when it came time to see if he did he lied about it, so that is what caused controversy.

What are the effects of narcotic steroids and risks?

I'm answering my own question here, shows how good this website can be... So this is what i found.These type of steroids mask pain caused by injury or fatigue which can make the injury worse.Risks include addictiveness.