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ALL mothers and fathers, no matter WHO they are, have responsablilites for taking care of their children.

wow that answer was retarded whoever wrote that is an idiot it's asking if they should be considered role models, not taking care of their children buddy you dumb. my answer would be yes they should because they the children look up to the celebs and athletes!

EVEN DUMBER it depends on who they are and what they do

The answer should say ALL mothers and fathers have a responsibility for being GOOD role models for their children. Which includes taking care of them and teaching good morals, manners and ethics.

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12y ago

Well, I am a Christian, so you're going to get an answer inspired by The Bible. :) But in brief, yes, they do have that responsibility. Because they are seen by so many people and have the privilege to influence so many, especially the younger generations, they should strive even harder to influence people positively. Nobody's perfect, of course, but what a lot of celebs don't realize is: their privilege of being a celebrity also comes with the price of much, much more responsibility.

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11y ago

While that might seem intuitive--and at one time was obligatory--the pursuit of celebrity in itself is antithesis to the notion of 'role model.' The development--and decay--of this notion is actually a fascinating study in human nature, and some say in 'manufacturing consent.' (Noam Chomsky, et al)

A celebrity's ultimate obligation--if they wish to remain celebrated--is to the desires of the society they pander to.

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13y ago

IT depends. Most athletes are role models because they teach us to never give up on our dreams and they teach us determination!

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14y ago

As much as possible: yes.

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Q: Should professional athletes be role models?
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Should pro athletes become role models?

Yes If the pro athlete becomes a BAD role model and do bad stuff, then the child should know right from wrong and should know that what the role model is doing is bad. Why would you emulate the role model when you KNOW that whet they are doing is wrong?

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No. We should pay people who contribute to society more, not those who simply entertain and are often poor role models.

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Yes, well if the athletie is not going out and getting Drunk and doing bad stuffs

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Yes, they are role models to young people:)

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Of course. Whether good or bad models, students will model them.

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