next to their mother
As of 2012, he is still alive at age 70.For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (Wikipedia) indicated directly below this answer section.
Muhammad Ali went to Central High School (1958)
He was a professional boxer.
Elijah Muhammad. He changed his name to
his mentor Elijah Muhammad gave it him after he won the world title. had ali been defeated by liston, Elijah would have disowned him.
Muhammad Ali has 9 children
Muhammad Ali
Yes, Muhammad Ali has 9 kids.
Yes, he had 7 of them.
he has nine children.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah only had one daughter, Dina Wadia.
he chenged his name when he joined the Muslims and converted to Islam. Once when he visited London he prayed at Fazl Mosque in London at SW 18.
Laila Ali, Hana Ali, Khaliah Ali, Maryum Ali, Jamillah Ali, Asaad Amin, Rasheda Ali, Miya Ali, Muhammad Ali Jr.
"Muhammad ali" has three bothers named gehad, Marcus and hares they are all one year apart from each other Cassius (Muhammad ali) is the oldest
A daughter and a son.