Gene Holland's birth name is Ezekiel Eugene Holland.
Ezekiel A. Straw died in 1882.
Ezekiel Jackson was born on April 22, 1978.
Ezekiel Elliot was born on July 22, 1995
David Ezekiel Henderson was born in 1879.
Daniel Ezekiel Prescod's birth name is Daniel Ezekiel Prescod.
Whatever name you like is a good name for you! They're your characters -- don't depend on some anonymous person on the internet to tell you what to do.
The origin of the name Ezekiel is the Bible. Ezekiel is a character from the Biblical Old Testament who played an important enough role in human history to be mentioned.
I dont know for sure.I think Ezekiel Jackson is his real name.Well I will stick with Ezekiel Jackson for now.
Yes, in the Book of Ezekiel. Curiously, the name Ezekiel is used only 2 times. All other references to him are 'son of man.'
The Name is Domiant
His name means God will strengthen.
It is estimated that the biblical prophet Ezekiel died about 570 BC. He prophesied many calamities in a book of the Bible that bears his name.
Zeke Carey's birth name is Ezekiel Carey.
Zeke Mowatt's birth name is Ezekiel Mowatt.