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By his (Peace Be Upon Him) humanity, kindness, wisdom, sympathy and God (Allah) support. He (PBUH) did not guide whom he chose, God Almighty guided those to embrace Islam.

The Qur'an says:

["Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects Taghut (evil) and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trust worthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things. " (Qur'an 2:256)]

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Q: How was Muhammad able to convert people to Islam?
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How did Islam came here?

Islam, the Religion of all the ProphetsIslam began with the first man, Adam, when he submitted himself to God. Therefore, the word "Islam" simply means Submission to God. The word also means Peace; and so, as the name of the Religion of God, it implies the peace that we can attain by submitting to God.All the Prophets of God, from Adam the first Prophet to Muhammad (peace be upon him) the Last Prophet, preached Islam, which is the Religion Allah has destined for mankind. Therefore, the right name of the Religion of Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be on them all) as well as of hundreds of other prophets of God (whose names we do not know) is Islam. But the followers of the earlier prophets have used other names for their respective religions and so we have the name Judaism (after the tribe of Judah) for the religion of Moses, and Christianity (after Jesus Christ) for the religion of Jesus. Only the followers of Muhammad (peace be upon him) use the right name for the religion of God. For this reason, the word 'Islam' today is used practically for the religion taught by Muhammad (peace be upon him) alone.The Merchant of MakkahMuhammad (peace be upon him) was born in a noble family of the Quraysh Tribe of Makkah, in the Hijaz region of the present Saudi Arabia in 570 C.E. He started preaching the Religion of Islam to his people when he was 40 years old. From his early youth, he had earned the name "Al- Ameen" or the Trustworthy One from his people. He had been a shepherd, and later a merchant in the service of a rich lady of Makkah called Khadija. When he was 25 years old, he married Khadija, a widow of 40 years.The Hermit of HiraWhen Muhammad (peace be upon him) was forty, he developed a habit of withdrawing to the solitude of a cave in Mount Hira which was close to the city of Makkah. He used to spend hours, sometimes days on end, meditating in the cave. Once, while he was in the cave an imposing figure suddenly appeared before him and asked him to read a scroll held before him. He was terribly frightened by this sudden appearance, and when the figure asked him to read again, he stammered saying that he had not learned how to read. But the figure, who was Gabriel, the Angel of God, told him: "Read in the name of the Lord Who created; created man from a thing that clings. Read, for your Lord is the Most Generous; and He has taught by the Pen; taught man what he knew not…" (Holy Qur'an 96:1-5)These were the first revealed verses of the Qur'an; and thus started the revelation of the Last Testament of God for man. Since the revelation of this verse, the Prophet's hibernation in the Cave of Hira came to an end. From then on, he was not to rest; for he had been chosen by God to be His Last Messenger on earth.The Caller of 'One God, One Humanity, One Religion'From the beginning of his prophetic mission, Muhammad (peace be upon him) met with terrible opposition from the people around. Because his Message was 'One God, One Humanity and One Religion for Man', it was clearly against the many gods of Arabia, against the tribal values of those people and against all their superstitions. Indeed Muhammad (peace be upon him) stood against their polytheism, their treatment of women as worthless chattels, their tradition of never-ending feuds, their economy based on slavery and exploitation, and so on and so forth. For this reason, the leaders of Makkah had no doubt that if they wanted to continue as before, the Religion of Muhammad (peace be on him) should not be permitted to take root in Arabia. So they tried all kinds of ploy to dissuade him from his mission.Temptations, Trials, ThreatsWhen all the stratagems of the Quraysh failed, they started using threats followed by physical violence. But they found that all these had no effect on Muhammad (peace be on him); and so they boycotted him and his followers from every kind of trade and transaction, so much so that they had to go without proper food and drink for many weeks. Muhammad (peace be on him) showed no sign of withdrawing from his mission. An ordinary man would have fallen victim to the enticements they offered, if not to their murderous schemes. But this shepherd of Makkah stood up to all oppositions and temptations like a rock sustaining all the shocks, and nothing could divert him from the course that he had taken nor shake his determination. With the help of God he brushed aside all the temptations and threats that were in his way.The early years of Islamic preaching in Makkah were the most terrible years for Muhammad (peace be on him) and the few Muslims he was able to gather around him. Again and again they were tested and taxed; but Muhammad (peace be on him) was not to be deterred from his mission in the least.When some of his followers found the persecution at the hands of the leaders of Makkah unbearable, the Prophet asked them to migrate to Abyssinia where he said they would get asylum. So under the leadership of Ja'afer ibn Abi Talib, about 80 families sought refuge in Abyssinia, which was at that time ruled by a Christian king.The City of the ProphetSoon the fame of Muhammad (peace be on him) spread far and wide and a group of people came from Yathrib, a city some 250 miles to the north of Makkah. The delegates who came from Yathrib met the Prophet at a place called Aqaba and there they entered into a contract with the Prophet. When the persecutions in Makkah increased and life there became unbearable for the Muslims, the people of Yathrib invited the Prophet and his companions to migrate to Yathrib, and they accepted their invitation. This emigration from Makkah to Yathrib is called the Hijra. It took place in 622 C.E. The new Muslim era, also called Hijra, begins from this year.The Prophet and his companions were given a grand reception by the people of Yathrib, and from this emigration to the time of the Prophet's death, Yathrib became his adopted city; and Yathrib was renamed 'Madinathunnabi' (the City of the Prophet), or Madinah for short.Those people who migrated from Makkah to Madinah came to be known as Muhajirs (the Emigrants) and those people who received them, entertained them and shared with them all their comforts and conveniences came to be known as Ansar (Helpers). It was in Madinah that the Prophet gradually laid the foundation for an Islamic state. Many of the verses that were revealed to the Prophet in Madinah were concerned with the life of a community in its political, economic and administrative aspects. On the basis of these verses the Prophet was able to establish, a system of government much ahead of the times in its form and working.Soon after the arrival of the Prophet and his companions at Madinah, the people of Makkah became anxious about the new power the Prophet had come into. They feared that this newfound position of the Prophet would encourage him to revenge on them. They wanted to forestall such an eventuality by destroying the Prophet and his new religion. To this end they gathered a large army and got ready for a war. Soon they got an opportunity for such a maneuver, and the result was the Battle of Badr. In this battle the Muslim army, which consisted of only 313 persons and was poorly equipped, faced a fully prepared and powerful army three times its size. But Allah had decided to help the Muslims. In the pitched battle that ensued, the Muslim army routed the forces of Makkah.A Battle between Truth and FalsehoodThe Battle of Badr was a landmark in the history of Islam. There we find how a small party of believers inflicted a crushing defeat on a strong army three times its size, a feat logistically impossible. But it happened, because, as is clear from the Holy Qur'an (8: 5-19) God helped the believers with unseen forces; otherwise the forces of evil would have wiped out the small band of believers who upheld the Message of Truth from the face of the earth.The Battle of Badr thus provided the Muslims full confidence that Islam, as promised by God was going to supersede all the false religions on earth however much the pagans detested it. Also, it gave the Prophet ample opportunity to show to the world how the prisoners of war should be treated in Islam. In those days of scarcity, the prisoners were given better food than what their captors ate. And for the first time in the history of the world, Muhammad (peace be on him) deviated from the norm to promise the prisoners freedom, if the lettered among them taught the illiterate Muslims reading and writing. The Prophet evinced a kindness and fairness unusual and unprecedented in those barbarous times, and it made such a profound impression on the vanquished enemies that it led many of them to become Muslims eventually.After the Battle of Badr, the enemies of Islam were not idle. They wanted to take revenge on Muhammad (peace be on him), and consequently, the Prophet and his Companions had to fight a few more battles. But the believers, though a small and weak group in the physical and material sense, were strong in Faith and were ready to die if need be for the Cause of Islam.A Conquest of HeartsMeanwhile Islam was growing and in the tenth year of the Hijra or 630, C.E, the Prophet marched to Makkah with 10,000 followers. He met practically no opposition there. This was an occasion any other leader of the times would have chosen for revenge. But what did Muhammad (peace be on him) do?Stanley Lane-Poole writes: " The day of Muhammad's greatest victory over his enemies was also the day of the grandest victory over himself. He freely forgave the Quraysh all the year of sorrow and cruel scorn with which they had afflicted him, and gave an amnesty to the whole population of Mecca……. No house was robbed, no woman insulted. One thing alone suffered destruction. Going to the Ka'abah, Muhammad stood before each of the three hundred and sixty idols, and pointed to them with his staff saying, 'Truth is come, and falsehood is fled away!' and at these words his attendants hewed them down and all the idols and household gods of Mecca and round about were destroyed."Thus Muhammad (peace be on him), the Last Prophet of God, purified the Ka'aba from the abomination of idols, as it had been the First House of God rebuilt by Prophet Abraham many generations before, for the worship of the One and Only God. People came forward in large numbers and embraced Islam; it was a conquest without any resistance, a conquest of the hearts of the people.How the Light of Truth Dispels DarknessAfter this, when the Prophet returned to Madinah, delegations came from different tribes and peoples of Arabia. They came to meet the Prophet and learn about Islam. Many of these people embraced Islam. Thus was the whole of Arabia gradually won over to Islam. But the mission of the Prophet was not only to Arabia: it was to the whole world. So, he sent his emissaries to different rulers of the world, particularly to the Persian and the Roman emperors. But the winning over of some of these peoples took place only after the Prophet's time.In the tenth year of the Hijra, the Prophet made his last pilgrimage to Makkah and delivered his farewell sermon to a congregation of about 120,000 Muslims. At the end of this sermon, he recited the revelation he received from God just then: "This day I have perfected your Religion for you and completed My favor to you, and have chosen Islam as the Religion."On hearing this, the Muslims wept, for they knew that the end of the Prophet's life on earth must be near. It was so. Soon after, the Prophet fell ill, and died of fever in Madinah.Thus, the Last Prophet of Allah left this world. His inspiring life recorded in the Hadith literature remains an ever-shining model to all people of all time.

Why were people able to develope leisure-time activities?

People worked fewer days

Why are people able to swim below waterfalls?

There is no current.

What are the views of naturalist school of thought?

People are not able to make moral choices.

Is The Hobbit going to be good?

Until people can actually see it, no one will be able to provide a good opinion.

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Why do you have to convert to Islam?

Nobody should feel compelled to convert to Islam. However, some people feel immense pressure to convert because: (1) Maybe some fell in love with a muslim and if they wants to marry them they must convert into islam to be able to marry them. (2) They are threatened with death, violence, extortion, or other criminal acts if they do not convert.

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Allah (God in English) is the founder of Islam and not prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is God prophet and messenger to whom God revealed Quran through the Angel Gabriel (jibril) to call people for Islam.

How and where did Islam arrive?

Islam is a belief mainly in the middle east and it arrived when a man Muhammad claimed to be gods prophet came back from meditating and told people that god had spoken to him and he wrote the Qur'an. It was only after his death that people took his writings into account.Islam is not mainly in the Middle East. The majority Muslims are in Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan.Islam didn't arrive by Muhammad. Islam means surrender to God and his will. All objective of God religions as well as the call of all God prophets is surrender and belief (Islam) to God. Islam per the Bible revelation to Jesus is called Christianity. Islam per Torah revelation to Moses is called Judaism. Islam per Quran revelation to Muhammad is called the very name Islam as it is the last God religion. Refer to the relevant question below.Islam as a religion is a special religion brought by prophet Muhammad. and the definition of Islam according to what said above, is not right in this place. I emphasize on this point that the Quran is a revelation of God and for sure is not saying of Muhammad. if so some another people after him should be able to bring like it but it's impossible.

What had Muhammad achieved by the time of his death?

by the time of his death in 632 muhammad had undifed much of the arabian pensula under islam

What does Islam say its followers should do?

Islam tells us to believe that there is no God but Allah and the Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is his servant and Messenger. Islam tells us to pray 5 times everyday at specific times. Islam tells us to give charity to the needy and the poor. Islam tells us to fast during the month of Ramadhan. Islam tells us to visit the Ka'bah at Makkah at least once if you are able to do so. Islam tells us to follow the Quran [the Holy Book] and the Sunnah [Muhammad P.B.U.H's teachings]. If you follow these commandments with sincerity and only for the sake of God then it is guaranteed by God himself that you will reach Paradise/Heaven.

Why is madinah sacred?

Madinah was the first city in which the proper Islamic state was developed. It was the city where Prophet Muhammad was able to demonstrate the laws of Islam in full. Moreover, Madinah today contains the tomb of Prophet Muhammad and also the third most sacred mosque in Islam. Correction - the SECOND most sacred. First is the Kaaba in Mecca, second the prophet's mosque in Madinah, and third the Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.

How does Islam religion view the world?

The Islam view the world as an exam or the test for life for hereafter. If you successful to lead your life according to Allah and his final Messenger Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him and His Family) then you will be able to enter in hereafter the life of ever be lived i.e. Heaven.

How was Muhammad able to make the people believe in one God?

A:First, Muhammad had to make the people believe in him, both as a religious leader and as a warrior. In the beginning, he had little luck, and had to flee from his home in Mecca to Medina (Yathrib) under cover of night.In Medina, Muhammad built up political alliances more so than gaining followers of his new religion. Then after a number of military victories, he gained followers impressed by his military prowess. After he returned to Mecca and defeated the Meccans, they conceded that their gods had failed to protect them, which left them no option but to join Muhammad. Certainly, Islam offered a better, more peaceful life and taught high moral principles and an understanding of God, but Muhammad's early achievements resulted more from cultural and military successes than an instant attraction to Islam and belief in one God.

How to escape from force being a Muslim after married Muslim?

The rules, per Islam religion, are that:The Muslim man can marry only a Muslim, Christian (Catholic, Orthodox, or other denominations), or Jewish woman.The Muslim woman (virgin, divorced, or widow) can marry only Muslim (or convert to Muslim) man.You may say that love is over religion limitations. If you think so, then it is your choice. If you want to deny your religion obligations and requirements to legalize your marriage, then it is your choice. No compulsion in religion. However, choice is responsibility. If you deny you violate your religion obligations and requirements, you hold responsible of your choice and you hold responsible of the consequences of your choice on the Last Day of Judgment in front of God, the Creator.On the other hand, for a non Muslim although he can convert to Islam to be able to marry a Muslim woman but his convert to Islam should be based on real belief in Islam principles and prophet Muhammad teachings. His convert to Islam should not be just to make it licit to marry a Muslim woman.Accordingly, I don't understand how he was forced to convert to Islam for marriage. The basic Islam and Quran rule is that 'no compulsion in religion'.If you are no longer believing in Islam, the simplest way is deny being Muslim and convert to any religion you want, divorce your Muslim wife, and settle other living matters between yourself and your wife. Be responsible of your decision and hold responsible of the consequences when judged in front of God on the Day of Judgment after this life.

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children will understand why Muslims call Muhammad the messenger of God. Children will be able to identify religious beliefs about Allah, Muhammad and the Qur'an which are expressed in the story of revelations to Muhammad Children will recognise the impact and influence this event had on Muhammad and all followers of Islam Children will be able to compare their own experiences of quietness for reflection with those of religious people such as MuhammadMuslims believe that Islam is a faith that has always existed and that it was gradually revealed to humanity by a number of prophets, but the final and complete revelation of the faith was made through the Prophet Muhammad in the 7th century CE.Muhammad was born in Mecca in Saudi Arabia ©Muhammad was born in Mecca in Saudi Arabia in 570.He was a deeply spiritual man, and often spent time in meditation on Mount Hira.The traditional story of the Qur'an tells how one night in 610 he was meditating in a cave on the mountain when he was visited by the angel Jibreel who ordered him to recite.Once Jibreel mentioned the name of Allah, Muhammad began to recite wordswhich he came to believe were the words of God.The Qur'anDuring the rest of his life Muhammad continued to receive these revelations. The words were remembered and recorded, and form the text of the Holy Qu'ran, the Muslim scripture. PreachingBelieving that God had chosen him as his messenger Muhammad began to preach what God had revealed to him. The simple and clear-cut message of Islam, that there is no Godbut Allah, and that life should be lived in complete submission to the will of Allah, was attractive to many people, and they flocked to hear it.The HijrahMuhammad's popularity was seen as threatening by the people in power in Mecca, and Muhammad took his followers on a journey from Mecca to Medina in 622. This journey is called the Hijrah (migration) and the event was seen as so important for Islam that 622 is the year in which theIslamic calendar begins.The return to MeccaWithin ten years Muhammad had gained so many followers that he was able to return and conquer Mecca. From this time on he was generally accepted by the faithful as the true final Prophet of God.Muhammad continued to lead his community both spiritually and in earthly matters until his death in 632.

Why was Islam able to spread so quickly after Muhammad death?

im a muslim teenager i believe Islam is the right and god supports it as he has pramised in holy qoran also everythimg in islam is completly logical and by searching in islamic book espeicialy quran u can understand it.

What was the significance of Muhammad's journey from mecca to medina in 622?

Muhammad went to Medina after preaching in Mecca for 10 years without success. The tribal and nomadic lifestyle lived by the people of Arabia at the time would not allow the Meccas to change their lifestyle (based of heroism and tradition) to a monotheistic state of living which history has shown needs the support of a state. Muhammad went to Medina with 70 people of very low status (the kind Jesus associated with, mainly sinner and prostitutes) and established a community by striking a deal with the leaders there. Muhammad established himself not only as a religious leader but also as a political one. He did two impossible things at once by changed the political structure of Arabia and simultaneously integrating a monotheistic belief in "the one God" of Israel.