Former NFL receiver Terrell "T.O." Owens is 44 years old (birthdate: December 7, 1973).
Terrell Owens is no longer dating Claudia Cervenka who is known as actress, model and singer Dia Leone. They dated for a brief period of time when he played for the San Francisco 49ers.
What is Terrell Carter's number
Suggs is 50 years old (birthdate: January 13, 1961).
Former NBA point guard Terrell Brandon is 46 years old (birthdate: May 20, 1970).
Go to Or you can just go to his own website, he has a contact section where he has other people answer his e-mails...
Terrell Owens's birth name is Terrell Eldorado Owens.
22 years old.
No Terrell Owens is not gay!
terrell Owens
Terrell Owens nickname is T.O.
Terrell Owens was born December 7, 1973 so at the time of this post he is 34 years old.
Terrell Owens dad's name is L.C. Russell
Terrell Owens dad's name is L.C. Russell
Terrell Owens was born on December 7, 1973.
Terrell Owens was born on December 7, 1973.
Terrell Owens is officially a member of the Buffalo Bills.
Terrell Owens mom and dad are Marilyn Heard and L.C. Russell