Snooker champion Steve Davis is 59 years old (birthdate: August 22, 1957).
Steve 'Pablo' Davis was born in 1916.
Steve Davislim was born in 1967, in Australia.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Mike Davis is -- years old.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Akeem Davis is -- years old.
Steve Davis was born on August 22, 1957.
Steve Davis was born on August 22, 1957.
Steve 'Pablo' Davis was born in 1916.
No Steve Davis is not related to Fred or Joe Davis.
Steve Davis was born on August 22, 1957
Steve Davis is a 6 time world snooker champion, who now plays a bit, but commentates for the BBC. or Steve Davis is a Northern Ireland and Glasgow Rangers footballer.
Steve Davis was appointed on 10 November 2011 as the Manager of Crewe Alexandra in England.
Steve Davis - American football - was born on 1948-11-10.
Yes. Steve Davis was a running back for the Steelers from 1972-1974.
Steve Davis was born December 30, 1953, in Oakland, CA, USA.
Steve Davis has only made one maximum 147 break in competitive play.