Former NHL defenseman Ray Bourque is 57 years old (birthdate December 28, 1960).
Rene Bourque was born in Lac La Biche, Alberta on 12-10-81.
NHL player Rene Bourque was born on 12-10-81 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 32 years old.
Raymond Bourque was born on December 28, 1960.
Romuald Bourque died on 1974-08-14.
Christy Bourque goes by Chris.
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Yes Ray Bourque has a son. His name Is Chris Bourque and he is an AHL hockey player. He also has a younger son named Ryan, I think.
Rene Bourque was born in Lac La Biche, Alberta on 12-10-81.
Yes Ray Bourque has a son. His name Is Chris Bourque and he is an AHL hockey player. He also has a younger son named Ryan, I think.
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Ray Bourque
Ray Bourque
Ray Bourque
Ray Bourque
Ray Bourque
I stand to be corrected, but I understand that Bourque was perfectly bilingual when he was drafted.